Prince Harry


Prince Andrew is financially struggling and he’s turning to his nephew, Prince Harry, for help! Ever since his mother Queen Elizabeth passed away, Andrew has been all but cut off from the family funds. His brother, King Charles, told him he needs to move out of the Royal Lodge if he can’t pay the $500,000 a year in upkeep charges. Andrew’s daughters are very close to their cousin Harry, so that’s why he felt comfortable enough asking him for some financial help. Since Harry is also on the outs with the Royals, he has some sympathy for Andrew, so my source says he’s likely to help him out.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Prince Andrew, riding as usual


Dear Readers,
We’re doing our best not to deprive you of the best Hollywood gossip, but just like some of the celebrities you read about here, our website is still acting up!  For the time being we are forced to post items without photos, but rest assured we’re working diligently to resolve this and those loading issues. We appreciate your patience and understanding.  Please stick with us.!


Surprise! surprise! another week and another Donald Trump update. The disgraced former president in a criminal trial in New York City made headlines again for violating a gag order with his unhinged outburst outside of the courthouse and on social media. I am hearing that his attorneys are encouraging him to avoid his beloved Diet Coke during the trial because the extra caffeine tends to agitate him. He’s being encouraged to drink non-caffeinated herbal tea instead – which might explain why he apparently keeps falling asleep during the proceedings.

Prince Harry made headlines this week, not for something he did but for something he didn’t do – visit England and NOT see his father, King Charles, or his brother Prince William.  We’re hearing that although Harry didn’t get a chance to see his dad and brother, he sent them both food baskets from Harvey Nichols, an upscale store in London. The baskets contained some of the royal family‘s favorite jams and jellies which are exclusive to the store. My source says Harry was devastated that his family didn’t see him, so he sent the baskets as an olive branch.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard made headlines as during her trip to LA for a cute TikTok video, where she was shocked at the prices at Erewhon, and upscale grocery store chain. Gypsy was in town to promote her show with Lifetime, but we’re hearing that she fell in love with Hollywood, and she’s trying to move here if she can get her probation figured out. My source says she’s hoping to continue working in the entertainment industry, perhaps hosting a talk show.

Real Housewife of New Jersey Teresa Giudice ran into Taylor Swift at Coachella a few weeks back, and their selfie is still making headlines. What ISN’T making headlines though is what we are hearing. After the infamous selfie, Teresa reached out to Taylor with a DM on Instagram, and all but begged her to make even the briefest appearance on the popular Housewives reality show. While it’s a long-shot, we are hearing Taylor, while not a loyal fan, might consider it just for the shock value!

Finally, the Met Gala was one of the biggest stories of last week, and the general consensus was that this year was a bore-fest.  A shortage of truly creative outfits and  we were appalled by the guests BRAGGING about how MUCH money and HOURS of work were spent (wasted?) on frivolous dresses to be worn for that ONE event. Here’s one interesting tidbit we heard and wanted to share: Kim Kardashian had a bad hair day and she had no one to blame but herself. Despite her hairdresser telling her NOT to, Kim INSISTED on going platinum blonde for the Gala but her hair turned out over- processed and riddled with flyaways and split ends. Kim was unhappy with her less than perfect appearance, but she realized it was HER fault and told her friends next time she’ll listen to her hairstylist Chris Appleton.


We previously reported that Meghan Markle was launching her own oddly named brand, American Riviera Orchard, to sell products online that capture the essence of her new hometown of Montecito. Although Meghan has quickly adapted to the Montecito lifestyle since relocating there with her husband Prince Harry, she wasn’t born and raised in the ritzy oceanfront community. She grew up in the working class L.A. suburb of Canoga Park. However, Meghan isn’t content with just an online presence – our source says she’s working with a commercial realtor in the area to open a brick and mortar store. Meghan feels having an actual store (or a few) will strengthen her brand. She got the idea from Gwyneth Paltrow, whose successful online brand, Goop, has several stores, including one in Montecito. Meghan is looking to open her store in the EXACT same area where the Goop store is located.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA  Netflix filmed Meghan at Miami polo event where Harry played


Apparently, TMZ isn’t the only website to claim their scoops as ours… People magazine just did it too! (See link below) On March 18th, we were the first to reveal that Prince Harry is totally in the dark about his sister-in-law Kate Middleton‘s medical condition. Today, People ran with that exact story as their own! We hate to brag, but this is two “We told you so’s” in one day. Please spread the word to your friends to check out our website if they want the best and most accurate gossip from around the world!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


For those of you hoping the Royal Family rift would end anytime soon, dream on. According to our well placed source, Prince Harry had to sign an ironclad NDA before he was filled in on the details of what’s really going on with his father, King Charles’s health. The Palace has been somewhat vague in releasing specifics on Charles’ condition and treatment. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. Harry is also being kept in the dark on what’s going on with his sister-in-law, Kate Middleton’s recent health crisis and surgery. Apparently the Royals fear Harry has loose lips so they’re keeping details from him. Perhaps he should visit this website if he wants the latest scoops on the Royal Family!


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


The world’s biggest grudge holder, former President (and accused criminal) Donald Trump made headlines this week for suggesting in an interview with a UK paper that he might DEPORT Prince Harry if he’s re-elected! Well it’s obvious that Donald doesn’t read THIS website! Otherwise he would have known what we told you back in August of 2023 – that Harry has already started the long process of becoming a US citizen. Royal or not, acquiring citizenship takes time, and our source updates us that Harry is about one-third finished. Since citizens can’t be deported, Donald will be out of luck trying to deport him.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Will they or won’t they? That’s the question Hollywood insiders are asking themselves now that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are secretly being wooed to become presenters at the upcoming Academy Awards! Now that they’ve gone Hollywood, the former royal couple have been offered a chance to present an Oscar at the upcoming ceremony. The invite is being kept a secret since they haven’t agreed to appear, but our knowledgable source reveals it could very well happen since the pair are already planning to attend the coveted after parties, including the ones hosted by Vanity Fair and Netflix. The details are still being sorted out, but if they agree the plan is for them to present either the award for best foreign film or best documentary.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Prince Harry doesn’t miss much about his previous life as a working member of the England’s Royal Family, but he IS craving the Yorkshire pudding the palace chefs would serve on Sundays. The side dish, similar to an American popover, is a fluffy pastry-like treat that’s served warm and usually the accompaniment for roast beef. Harry is pretty much persona non grata at Buckingham Palace, so he asked one of his favorite cousins, Princess Eugenie (the daughter of Prince Andrew and Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson) to ask the chefs for the secret recipe.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


We told ya so! Nearly TWO  months ago on October 9 we told you that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had dropped their plans to buy a home in Malibu, and had decided to look for a place in Los Angeles instead. Back then we explained that they’re spending more time in Hollywood and that security was on the top of their list. Well lo and behold, yesterday TMZ published the same story and claimed it was EXCLUSIVE! (see link below) Well they’re right, it was exclusive – to JANET CHARLTON’S HOLLYWOOD! So dear readers, you know where to look for the best Hollywood gossip – right HERE!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are following in the footsteps of former couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt – no they’re NOT getting divorced, they’re launching their own wine. As we all know,  Santa Barbara County where Harry and Meg live, is home to some respectable wineries. Like many celebrities, the former royals are hoping to get in on the growing industry. My source says that Meg and Harry are scouring the area looking for the ideal land to grow grapes – ideally something with small slopes which are preferred for vines. If things go according to plan, they’d like to be up and running next year. They’re already designing bottles and labels, and tossing around possible names…  Any suggestions?



Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA