All of a sudden we’re starting to think that maybe Lindsay Lohan CAN be a convincing Elizabeth Taylor in the Lifetime movie “Liz and Dick.” This doctored up photo makes it all seem plausible. Lindsay will certainly be convincing in the later years of the romance with Richard Burton when Liz was a big drinker, but can she pull off the Cleopatra glamour years? Time will tell…
Photo via: The WOW Report

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  1. A pitiful excuse for Liz who was a pitiful excuse for herself much of the time. Never heard any stories of her involved in lesbianism or screwing blacks though, to her credit.

    This will be a very forgetable tv movie.

  2. Hey, that imposter is at it again, pitiful!

    La Lohan makes me want to be a lez


  3. THAT is simply ghastly.

    Though I do love those emeralds:)

  4. Hopefully Lohan’s mangling of this role will be the final nail in the coffin of her ‘career’.

  5. Oh please! Poor Liz must be spinning in her grave. Not even…

  6. Looks like Lindsey ruined her new set of choppers.

  7. This is frightening. I naively overlooked the fact that Lohan would capture the older, ravaged, pill popping incarnation of Liz. It’s incredible that she looks the age that Liz was then without any special make up. Yikes.

  8. A pitiful excuse for Liz who was a pitiful excuse for herself much of the time. Never heard any stories of her involved in lesbianism or screwing blacks though, to her credit.

    This will be a very forgetable tv movie.

    LL will be doing porno before long unless the Woodster comes to her rescue.

  9. So Proud of This little lady…She is making a good come back and she is really working hard at her craft and hope every one out there to give her a break and stand back and let a master do what she is best for and what she is born to do…

  10. She is smart and hard working young lady and she has a Gift and a real craft in life and she can do something special that is acting of course she can bring her emotions to a high level and show you another point of view in life and she has a major gift and can really take things to another level.

  11. One thing this woman have both in common? They are Both very Beautiful and…That means in there own special way…Liz has had along life and she did so much for the world and with her in the world it made it better on so many levels and her blessings still carry on after she is gone but she has a warm spirit that is on this earth left with her children and love one’s that have to be brave and strong and carry on! Lindsay Lohans is doing an amazing job learning about the woman and can put her mind set in motion and she is doing something special that is positive and strong and…I want to wish her well and most of all a wonderful day and most of all…I Want to say is keep up the good work!

  12. But adlease,She is going to get paid more money then 20 people will make in a year. I love Liz Taylor and always want to hear all the little things about that woman.

  13. Its not about posters but the previous poster and the Strom imposter are making a mockery of JC’s website.

    Soon it will fade totally into the cyber.

  14. it’s about the boasters, not the coasters dude. like it matters Strom, like anything you’ve ever written has risen above base stupidity and hatred.

    Your constant vacuity is far more perilous than people mocking your absurdity. Grow a brain or go away

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