It’s ASTONISHING how much admiration Americans have for Steve Jobs – who was THE CEO OF A LARGE (and we assume GREEDY) CORPORATION! How often are CEO’s put on a pedestal? Especially in the current political climate! (Hey – we admire him too.) Danny Boyle’s new bio of Jobs is filled with Aaron Sorkin’s clever rapid-fire dialog – words which Jobs may or may not have ever spoken. The movie presents Jobs (played excellently by Michael Fassbender) as an egomaniacal, self-serving, disloyal and downright cruel person, by all accounts. But it was implied that’s all right, because he was a “genius.” Gullible men walking out of the movie actually commented that a person as accomplished as Jobs HAD to be despicable to succeed! Does success EXCUSE being an unethical person? THAT is the nasty idea this movie suggests. Don’t believe it. And most of all, don’t use your success as an excuse for being a jerk!
CEO Michael Fassbender Movies Steve Jobs
It’s like a motion picture length advertisement. Hollwood is producing dreadful rubbish these days.
An amazingly talented & selfish dick-wad.
so remember the time……………
he was an odd new age jerk that was smart and successful….next…
I believe that him not knowing his father until much later in life – and being given up for adoption by his mother — caused him to behave in such an un-kind, mean, controlling way. His anger is what pushed him to be successful — and using and hurting other people in the process.
Genius my ass. He didn’t even have a college degree and had all c’s and d’s in high school. He couldn’t write code and wasn’t an engineer. The genius here is Steve Wozniak. And he was an ethical person.
i have steve jobs fatigue.
enough already.
I use apple products and have done for years but this isnt a subject that interests me all that much.
I LOVE Michael Fassbenders work (and his looks) but I will still pass on this project.
this goes for you too Hillary Clinton.