Sage Stallone’s cousin is blaming Sylvester Stallone for his 36 year old son’s death. According to The Daily News, Edd Filiti, 18, commented on Facebook (now removed) about the tragic death and blamed Stallone and his wife Jennifer for shutting Sage out of Sly’s life. He implied that Sly only cared about his “new” family and forgot about his earlier family. Filiti is the son of Stallone’s half sister Toni Ann, with whom Sly has been on bad terms for awhile. Certainly there is some family animosity here, but there may be more than a grain of truth. We haven’t found a photograph of Sly and Sage together since 1996. Sly even released a picture of him and his son to TMZ and THAT was from 1991, taken by Bruce Weber, and very flattering to Sly, except for the cigar.
Photo via TMZ
UPDATE: Sage’s heartbroken mother Sasha Czack told The Post that Sage had five teeth pulled weeks before his death and was likely taking painkillers. She said she warned him about having all the teeth pulled at once, but he went ahead. It looks like his TEETH were neglected also…

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  1. It matters not. It does not take away from the fact that 2 parents are grieving at the loss of their son.

  2. Old picture…old news!

    JC should do more or license TMZ threads!

    What’s next: Obama is elected President. Black Morgan Freeman boning his granddaughter?

  3. Does it really matter in the end? We all get annoyed with family from time to time & have to remember, that at any given time could be the last we see them. I hope the family finds peace, no parent wants to bury a child. Truly a sad situation.

  4. Sadly, there probably is some truth to this. If so, how terribly sad for the son.

    My Step-mom has made it VERY clear for the past 30 years that HER kids are 1st and foremost and we are just the leftovers.

    I hope that wasn’t the case here, but I think we will learn that their relationship wasn’t all that close.

  5. I believe the cousin. Most celebrities are narcissists who only give a crap about themselves and their own selfish needs.

  6. I almost hate saying this and feel pretty bad but I am wondering if the teeth story is a coverup because the mom knows drugs will be found in the system. Now she has an excuse why he had them and it won’t look as though the family turned their back on a drug addict. Years of reading gossip sites has me pretty suspicious of anything celebs say.

  7. strange?
    ……….did you meet him in daylight?

  8. Just leave it alone. Does it matter whether it was drugs, legal or otherwise? Let his family deal with their grief in private.

  9. I agree with Mish Mash. Dead is dead and let them alone. That was their child. Nothing will ease the pain. Time will dull it and make it livable. Extra prayers to his mother Sascha.

  10. Sage valued every second…
    Enjoying conversation…
    @phoenix house
    Lake worth florida
    Sage traded me a cd player
    For a video game
    Thanx Sage…
    Phoenix house

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