Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Sacha Baron Cohen was photographed on the set of “The Dictator” currently filming in New York. A little more about the plot has been revealed: Cohen plays a dictator intent on saving his country from democracy, who arrives in New York for a meeting at the United Nations only to learn his seat has been filled by a sheepherder look-alike in cahoots with his second in command. The dictator wanders around New York in awe of the freedoms permitted, and he just might have a romance with a character played by Anna Faris.

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  1. I’m pretty tired of this plot AND SBC IN it and creating it. It’s basically a reworked “Borat…” from the sounds of it, and him walking around in a giant reworked American flag is just as stupid as his other movie charactor’s costumes. Not to mention most American are offended by misuse of our flag and disrespect of it. It is NOT supposed to be a costume, or a fat ladies sweatsuit either.

    He IS a funny man, but needs to find a new gig. This one sounds horrible. The BEST I’ve EVER seen him in was in Sweeney Todd. He should do more parts like that, which was BRILLIANT!

  2. Reta, you are 100% correct about mis-using the American flag in clothes, caps, bandanas, etc. What is worst of all though is when on TV you see Muslims burning our flag and screaming Allah Akbar. I have seen also illegal immigrants marching and burning our flag and lifting up the Mexican flag, but Muslims are the main offenders. I wish those low-lifes who do this would be strung by the ‘nads and die of thirst….or in the heat of battle put them out in front of our brave military and let them die instead of our boys.

  3. Indy, I’m as fed up as you are with the constant wars we fight and the sons and daughters we lose unnessessarily. I wish we’d pull all of our troups out and home and let those already rich places rebuild their own countries.

    As for Cohen, he needs to go back to getting some wonderful parts in great movies. I was bowled over by him in Sweeney Todd!!

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