Multimillionaire reality show mogul Ryan Seacrest, 36, is planning for life after American Idol and what he’s interested in is politics. Ryan was having dinner at Ago in West Hollywood with some politicians and he was overheard chatting about his ambitions. Another diner listened while Ryan talked about his desire to run for office. “The only thing shocking in my past is my school yearbook photo!” Ryan joked with his dinner companions. He admitted he wants to become mayor of Los Angeles one day.

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  1. He’s already eminently qualified.

    Lots of $$$$. It’s the only thing that counts in American politics.

  2. Strom is neither gay or an enabler of those minorities who want a free ride on the railway of life and have a chip on their shoulder against those who have earned it.

    Ryan might be the last white guy who has a chance of being mayor of LA unless Arnold was willing to take a shot at it.

  3. Wonderful. Another politician who’s all white teeth and no intellectual substance.

  4. I was thinking “taupe” or “off-beige” but I see your point. 🙂

  5. Speaking of politics, can’t believe Arnold and Maria are separating

  6. That photo is the first thing that came to my mind. I think he s right, this photo is Damning!!

  7. his silly, creepy smiling says it all.
    ……thanks but NO THANKS!!!!!!!!

  8. Small world! NYC has a deeply-closeted mayor (for life?), too.

  9. He would need an industrial strength beard by his side for a run for office. Maybe Reece Witherspoon or Taylor Swift. He may also have to breakout the frosted tips again.

  10. LOL @ “industrial strength.”

    Paging Renee Zellweger.

  11. Now some idiot copped my name and made a pass at Ryan. We can only guess the nut case it might be.

  12. No, no and just no! This creep is responsible for the Kardashians. Never forget.

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