
Pink admits that she is very annoyed by snarky comments online about her weight. So she’s gained a few pounds… But Pink wants to remind people that she is a girl with feelings and she refuses to be bullied. She showed up at the BMI Pop Awards in Beverly Hills wearing her favorite color, but she outsmarted the bullies because she couldn’t be more covered up by this caped evening dress. There’s no telling how big or small she is in THIS outfit!

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. She is probably pregnant and doesn’t want to announce it yet.

  2. I doubt she is pregnant with a glass of wine in her hand. Who cares if she is not at her smallest weight. At long as she is healthy. Probably gets sick of those six hour workouts and wants to give her muscles a break. Very bad pic of her her matron look which she is clearly not.

  3. The picture makes her breasts look very large indeed. But she looks fine. So what if she put in a couple lbs. Big deal. People are so weight obsessed, it’s ridiculous.

  4. She has the skills of a gymnast/athlete. We have all seen her hanging upside down and singing at the same time. She is more in shape than most of us will ever be.

  5. Is this Throw back Thursday?
    Absolutely gorgeous 50s/60s glamour updated.

  6. This is the best I have ever seen her look. That dress looks great, her hair looks great and her face is glowing.

  7. Who cares what she looks like? This girl can sing, more than I can say for the majority of auto-tuners wannabes of today.

  8. Great entertainer and singer. She looks healthy and happy.

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