Popular Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage leads a quiet life in upstate New York with his theater director wife Erica Schmidt (above) and their daughter born in 2011, so the family is rarely photographed. Emmy and Golden Globe winner Peter is so secretive about his private life that he’s never revealed the name of his little girl. This is the first photo we’ve seen of them – Peter was happily whistling a tune and pushing her stroller around Manhattan.
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She appears to be normal, poor sweetie, maybe she has her mom’s genes….
Wow, she must have been hard up for a man to allow this midget to have sex with her and have a baby. God bless her.
He’s a fabulous actor and his little girl is adorable.
@Hello, I’ve long suspected you were retarded, now you’ve confirmed it, you vacuous k*nt.
Thank u a.p. ..you must be a pro to know better.
But really, I did give it a thought on how they have sex. I need to watch midget porn sex with regular size women.
…………Who Is Walking Whom?
What the hell is wrong with you people?! Such ugly comments. He is an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G actor and his baby is adorable. Get off the internet, go read and book and educate yourselves. Guh.
Alex P was right on, your comments are usually pretty creepy, I guess you don’t have many friends.
Or, at least ones you don’t have to blow up. oh, post a self portrait, will ya, we’d love to see how pretty YOU are …
s.c,stop with the nonsense!!! Erica Shmidt is the one that is creepy f-ing a midget. I have sex with a man that is 5’11. If f-ing a 3 feet tall boy with a ding a ling the size of your pinky then god bless you. What does being an amazing actor has to do with f-ing a midget. S.c you send pics yourself f-ing a midget first and then I will send my pic.
My god, these comments are shocking! Grow up, people!
yep, your a big dummy, and the best part about it, it is so obvious that it shows up immediately, and in every single bigoted line you write.
I read what you wrote in that earlier post of yours regarding the actor Peter Dinklege. You know what Hello ? What have you done lately ? Really ?
He deserves your respect. He’s never done anything to you, ever, he works hard and is human enough, to have found a wife and made a child.
Two things, that I’d bet you’re not likely to ever do.
You’re the real “midget”
ya he’s short, so what, get over it.
What’s next Janet ?
Blind kids playing catch, some post mortem photos?, maybe a nice snap of Lady Di’s car wreck, and an a passive aggressive mention that her boyfriend was Muslim, so Strom can comment on his colour, hello can spew on his hair or something,
so Lazy, lazy, lazy,
come on show some wit ….
What a beautiful baby!
FYI Dwarfs can have a normal-sized child and normal-sized people can have a dwarf child. It’s genetic.
And Hello, why do you go to Hell…??!!
I radther laugh with sinners then pray with the saints, mamma.
You’ve never had a clear, good-hearted laugh in your life. Never.
@hello, you’re pathetic
“call me an elf one more time”…..
Do Strom, Hello and XYZ all seem like different sides of the same schizo coin?
This man seems like a good guy and very talented. Only people with internal self-hatred and mental and emotional issues make comments on someones biological self(race, gender, orientation etc). Nothing like loser internet tough guys hiding behind their computer screens!
Peter Dinklage is a wonderful and talented actor. I haven’t watched him in Game of Thrones, but he was magnificent in The Station Agent (highly recommend that movie) and also did a hilarious guest spot on 30 Rock with Tina Fey a couple of years ago. And of course, there’s that appearance in Elf that was hilarious. I don’t know why people have to be so hateful and cruel. I wish him and his family well and good for him to keep his private life just that – private.
@hello, this is cyberspace asshole, there is no old news,
keep writing the same pathetic deviant crap, and the readers in this community will call you what you are,
a creep and full time window licker, go somewhere else you dummy, and take your blow up doll ( Strom) with you ….
@hello, surely you of all people should know that its not only “little people” that have less than ample appendages. Just ask you’re wife.
Peter dwarfs you in every way, specially in the brain department. Dummy
@hello. That is if you are REALLY a man, and one of the regular nasty female posters on Janet’s personal bashing/bully site.
Janet always posts these stories knowing full well that pigs like you will strike with your bird brained thoughts. Cant Janet dig up any reputable gossip to write about? Stop dumbing down your site Janet. As I and others have noticed you have less and less posters, which generally means people are getting tired of you encouraging bird brains to bash and bully on your site and moving on to more intelligent sites.
Of course I guess, only the bird brains would click on those dumb side links of yours, that in turn keep you in business.
Barry W,
you’re right on the money. Janet’s posts are calculated to get the droolers aka Hello and Strom etc. frothing at the mouth.
it is getting tired Janet.
Give Peter a big E for effort. He didn’t give up, but kept on trucking and made something of his life.
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