Paris Hilton is secretly thrilled that her former friend Kim Kardashian, who stole her thunder, is being tormented by the press for her lumpy figure and terrible maternity outfits. She’s even more pleased to see that Kim’s boyfriend Kanye West seems to be avoiding his baby mama and their relationship is FAR from Ideal. All this has inspired Paris to dress up and flaunt her model boyfriend River Viiperi while they frolic at glamorous parties in Cannes. We bet she’s praying that Kim NEVER loses that baby weight.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
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Paris has always been a “you first,after me”
person so what else is new.
Well there is lots of truth here! The KrapTrashians did copy everything from Paris. The only difference is that Kimmode has a sociopath for a mother who is more money hungry then Paris’s mother. If I were Paris I would be feeling the same way about old Kimmode.
Kim and Paris, both useless wastes of space
Paris isn’t worried be cause she knows Kim K will always disgrace the race by going Black.
Paris has had so many lovers, male and female, that she lost count long ago.
No Strom, you are a disgrace to “the race.” You Pathetic ignorant troll.. get a clue.
Who is she fooling with that “boyfriend”?
@Rachael0330 – politically correct, bitch? Go live in Haiti, Jamaica or Compton then. Im sure u will feel so urself there…. among savage beasts, ur beloved blacks
Poor Rachel….using so many names and enabling all things BLACK.
Lord knows, I got so tired of seeing Paris Hilton’s mug everywhere I looked online. But in hindsight, she is nowhere NEAR as obnoxious and gross as Kim Kardashian. Nowhere near. But they both need to get a clue to how the world REALLY is, not just their privileged, moneyed little corner. Let both of ’em work for minimum wage and see how they like it. They wouldn’t last a day.
The bottom line is Kimmode KrapTrashian used surgery to market her body to the type of male she wanted to attract, thus the big butt, her nose, her face and her weight. She is now stuck with Kanye West’s baby and Kanye West is stuck with her. I can’t think of two more terrible people who truly deserve each other than these two. Kanye being the man that he is, had Kimmode fly to see him in Paris again when he knows girl is about ready to drop that kid. Paris will have the last laugh at Kim now and forever because she didn’t have to stoop as low as Kimmode to be either rich or famous. Not that I like Paris any better. But truth is truth and Kimmode can try and shade it as much as she wants but it is out there for all to see. Kimmode is truly worthless from the inside out. Kanye is not genius, he just got luck is all.
@Strom that’s a rather ignorant comment ?
She looks so much older than him. Is she going to age into a blonde version of a Pervy Priest?
Paris is known as the “human ebola” in Cannes
Between Paris and Kim their is nothing to admired from them. Both are trash and a poor excuse for anyone to look up to them.
True…but Paris has at least not jumped to the BLACK side of the tracks!