It IS funny how Stacey Dash’s comments about the Oscars are so reviled, but Morgan Freeman would probably say the same thing. The “Clueless” actress, who now appears on the Fox channel, is AGAINST separate award shows like the NAACP Image Awards for blacks and says “If we don’t want segregation, we have to get rid of the BET channel and Black History Month.” Morgan Freeman agrees – he wants to be known as an actor, not a BLACK actor. They have a point. But the Oscars are driven by Hollywood studios run by those good ol’ white boys in their baseball caps (who consider themselves to be very liberal.) These guys just don’t often THINK about women or people of color when it comes to movies. Sex and sports, yes, but movies, no. Boycotting the Oscars is not the answer – take it from a woman.
Photo: Fox
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I support morgrn too!!
Finally a black person/celeb with brains!
“These guys just don’t often THINK about women or people of color when it comes to movies.” What utter gyno-rubbish.
‘They’ don’t include Women or people of color in movies ? What planet are you on?
Truly……BLACK Morgan is certainly doing his part to change the color line….he cant keep his hands off white women!
Bi racial Halle wants to be BLACK only when it wins her a sympathy award!
Movies are big business that try to appeal to mass markets (the demographics that purchase tickets in theatres or at home) to make money. That’s why there are so many sequels and few original movies.
I think that awards should be given on the basis of merit, not by mandate.
Studios and filmmakers should make opportunities available to cast and crew based on talent, regardless of age, gender or race.
I only watch award shows to see the dresses. Otherwise it’s just a mutual back slapping, aren’t we so wonderful and better than “regular” people fest. Blacks seem to hate Stacey Dash because she is not a Democrat, she’s light skinned and doesn’t fall in with the “party line”. She’s just as entitled to her opinions as anybody else.
Wasn’t it just recently brought to light that Will and Jada Smith only hire white directors for their big projects? All the while she’s carrying on about boycotting the Oscars. Frankly, Hollywood awards (and there are numerous) are a joke. Crying and carrying on over some damn trophy which really only means they can ask big bucks for the next film project and live an even grander lifestyle. Why don’t they have an awards show for the actor who gives back and does the most good for society.
Ask your BLACK senators and congressmen/women why they only hire BLACK staff (manytimes relatives). Never a word said.
She is totally correct. Time to stop the racism on the black side of issues. If they weren’t nominated, they probably weren’t good enough.
BTW, who watches these kinds of programs anyway? Arghhh…
Call Jesse Jackson and ugly Al Sharpton — they settle all the white on black problems!!!!!
“Good ole boys” Janet? Really?
Why isn’t anyone calling out the Smith’s for their greed and laziness? If they are unhappy with the level of productions involving black people then why don’t they use their vast wealth to fix it by funding films themselves? So we are racist if we don’t just hand them an award yet they gladly take money from these “Good ole boys” to make themselves rich while giving nothing back to other blacks trying to make it in Hollywood. I wish someone had the balls to call them out on their SHIT.