A Christmas dilemma for Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey. On October 28, the children’s book they collaborated on “Roc and Roe’s Twelve Days of Christmas” starring their twins) will be released. This year will be the first holiday season in six years that the family won’t be together. Nick has assumed responsibility for promoting the book and will be making personal appearances. Of course that means he’ll be asked all sorts of personal questions about his divorce but we have a feeling Nick’s fierce bodyguard (above) will discourage nosey reporters.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Who is Nick Cannon?
let’s hope ‘Luck’ is with HIM & not mariah’s.
I’m on team Mariah. Nick looks and acts rather clownish. Their kids however are quite cute. I hope that buffoon gets taken to the cleaners by Mariah. Cheating skunk he is!
I’m buying that book for my twins.
You can almost bet NicK’s eyes are only for white women now!
I think they should be together for one day; not the same but amicable would be nice.