Did anyone even NOTICE that The Michael Vick Project on BET is kaput? Vick says he quit after the first season of ten episodes aired because he hates the cameras following him. Footballer Vick, the most hated man in America after he was arrested for torturing and abusing dogs for sport, had hoped the show would garner some sympathy and forgiveness from the enraged public. Viewers report that there was little regret displayed on the show (except that he was CAUGHT) and in fact the dogfighting was explained as “cultural.” Vick didn’t get the forgiveness and redemption he wanted, and probably figured there was no use beating a dead dog. For many, his name will always be synonymous with evil.
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i had to put down my most beloved and constant companion, my pit bull, Ba ,last October 9th.
something i will probably never recover from fully. i feel his loss every day….
the most loyal, kind, empathetic,friendly, unconditionally loving, funny, goofy, handsome, steady, enduring, game companion a woman could ever hope to have in her life….
if only humans had 1/2 the traits my boy did….
vick is scum>>>> cultural scum no doubt, but scum none the less…. he is a murderer, and liar. he should survive half the torture he put innocent animals thru. o, if i could get my hands on him…… he should be wet down and electrocuted for starters.
I totally agree, you’d have to be evil to torture animals. Isn’t that how serial killers usually start out. Glad his show bombed.
Pitbullover, you have my deepest sympathies. I had to put down my dog – a Rottweiller-Sheperd mix – last August. I am not a dog person, but she was not a dog ; )
Vicks is disgusting, and BET more so for giving that vile douche bag any sort of attention, and any chance to be in the spotlight for one second more.
BET and Vicks are to the Afro-American community what MTV and the Jersey Shore gang are to Italian-Americans – a disgrace.
Can’t he disappear like his show?
Jerk! And why was he given his own show? More proof that people are stupid.
Michael Vick is and always will be an OXYGEN THIEF.
Oooh, nicely put, Zippy!
Wouldn’t the football rapist be the hatest man in America. Ben Roethlisberger raped two woman but I guess noone cares about them. Women are less than dogs. Yay!!!
BET is owned by Viacom, a white company not black. Tell the white company stop giving Michal Vick a show or not allow him to play football.
sorry: WHO?
hell0, sure, but the people working at BET, even at high levels, ARE black. What did they do about this?
I doubt viacom pushed for a Michael Vicks show, steamrolling over every exec, programmer, etc., at BET. Come on.
When it comes down to explaining dogfighting as cultural,then we now know why the planet is in as much distress as it is:(
Micheal Vick is a idiot,and should not be sucking air never mind being on the air…WTF are people thinking….
I myself have two pitbulls and Iive in Canada,which has ban pitbulls because of such losers as Vick….
They should have let a few of his own dogs take him down in a pit…Now that would have been justice!A bullit to good for such a loser.He should have been subjected to the same pain and suffering of his dogs.
I do not,what so ever believe in dogfighting and any individuals whom do so are f——- stupid idiots.
Animals give us unconditional love,you can`t ask for more than that:)
So to take an animals trust and love and use it against them,your pathetic beyond belief!
Sorry people for getting quite upset,but it all comes down to Vick himself should feel so humilated for what he did,that he should not want to be in the public eye…but I guess once a loser always a loser:)
When it comes down to explaining dogfighting as cultural,then we now know why the planet is in as much distress as it is:(
Micheal Vick is a idiot,and should not be sucking air never mind being on the air…WTF are people thinking….
I myself have two pitbulls and Iive in Canada,which has ban pitbulls because of such losers as Vick….
They should have let a few of his own dogs take him down in a pit…Now that would have been justice!A bullit would have been to good for such a loser.He should have been subjected to the same pain and suffering of his dogs.
I do not,what so ever believe in dogfighting and any individuals whom do so are f——- stupid idiots.
Animals give us unconditional love,you can`t ask for more than that:)
So to take an animals trust and love and use it against them,your pathetic beyond belief!
Sorry people for getting quite upset,but it all comes down to Vick himself should feel so humilated for what he did,that he should not want to be in the public eye…but I guess once a loser always a loser:)
There is a certain type of male who is on a constant quest for machismo. Unfortunately, something like dog-fighting is seen as the ultimate macho pastime. Gross and disgusting. Blame the downfall of western culture.
To the two above who lost their canine companions,,, My heartfelt sympathies. A dog is often the best, most loving and faithful companion you can have, and will stick by you no matter what.
As to Michael Vick, He is a
Oops, above comment posted itself! As I was saying, Michael Vick is a low life POS that has no compassion, no natural love in his heart,and who is arrogant enough to think his cruel entertainment is worth much more than the lives and health of his poor mistreated dogs. To intentional cause pain, fear, and death to innocent and faithful animals who depend on you is unspeakable, and will be punished.
I despise this brute. BET are just as sick for trying to give this a-hole a free pass and garner sympathy for this sadist.
@ Hello… yes. Abuse & cruelty towards animals is equal to human abuse because abuse is wrong. And quit comparing apples & oranges. Michael Vick is a disgrace to football, humanity and heroes.
I truly hope someone sniper’s him, and SOON! He deserves no less since he has gotten away with so many MURDERS! It’s HIS TURN!
Killing a person, people forget and forgive. Killing dogs people never forget or forgive.
all of you need to get a fucking life,(the poor dogs!!!?) please, all of you who are on this soap box of morality about the poor pitbulls probably have ancestors who shot,hung, and tortured black americans when it was made ok and lawful at the time.even today we undermine and dismiss the importance of people’s live’s with these rediculous sentences and bargain pleas, so please get over the pitblls ya’ll,and to ad, those gogs have an aggressive nature to begin with, alot of you may argue that point, but i have seen enough displays of a pitbull’s behavior to know that it’s an assertive,tough,and even hostile breed, don’t get me wrong, i’m not justifying what vick allowed to go on,the footage that the news showed of the dogfighting operation was disturbing and sad,but come on, these people that are pointing the finger constantly at vick are the same ones who also allow the disgusting act of deer hunting to go on in this country, and to ad you have the ordasity to call it a sport, please!!!, i just feel like the media and law reps went to far in making an example out of vick, paying a fine and or serving a lil jail time would have more than been servicable, they did not have to hurt that man as much as they did by dragging his name through the mud, taking his endorsements away,ruining his place with the falcons,and taking his money!!!, i mean damn!!, cut the brutha some slack, no one is perfect,everyone makes mistakes.