We’re going out on a limb here, but it looks like Michael Jackson has given up his early attempts to look like Diana Ross, and he has an new inspiration. We think he’s trying to look like Courteney Cox! That’s certainly a Monica Geller wig if there ever was one. Looks cute on him.
Courteney Cox-Arquette Diana Ross Hair! Michael Jackson
Same cr*p on every other blog……
He was “RAISED” in america, REMEMBER THAT!!
who gives a crap where he was “raised”??? This guy’s a freak of the old fashioned circus variety…but I wouldn’t pay a quarter or walk across the street to gawk at his self-mulilated hideous face. The guys just a creep plain and simple, he’s all washed up, and crazy as a loon on top of that…buying white kids and trying to pawn them off as “his”….yeah, riiiight!!!
He may have bleached himself, but that won’t change the color of “his” kids…Prince, Prince Blanket, and Paris Prince Micheal (Oh, isn’t THAT her name?) well, who gives a shit, they are ALL stupid names and those poor kids are gonna need therapy until they meet their maker…and I don’t mean the Dr. that mixed them up in the test tube either!!!
So wrong.. He’s always following ELizabeth Taylor’s style..
Mr. Obama could have won the election with Hillary.
Because of Mr. Obama
When McCain drops dead you want Palin in charge of the nukes? Are you nuts?
I think it is awful that at 50 Michael Jackson looks a mess!
yu guys need tew shut yall bitch ass up.at lest he luck cuter than yo momma.let him rest n peace godamn