This he-man actor went to a swinging Beverly Hills party with a male friend and they encountered two playful strippers. Fueled by liquor and drugs, the leading man and strippers ended up in the host’s bedroom putting on an explicit show. The guy got so carried away he pulled five or six onlookers to join in the orgy. And guess what – the sex-mad stud turned his attention to his male companion and forgot all about the girls! He lived to regret the exhibitionist bisexual fling because Hollywood loves to gossip and that moment of madness caused everyone to re-evaluate his machismo!
Sounds like Jean-Claude Van Dam (Demme – spelling?). He always seemed like he had penchant for sex and drugs….and boys. Willing to bet it’s him!!!
Colin Farrel – he seems like he has homo tendencies…
Please tell me it’s Russell Crowe … and then get me an invitation to the next party!
Colin Ferrell would do it but he’d have no shame. : )
I say Vince Vaughn because of the swingers clue.
Bruce Willis
Definately George Clooney. Everyone knows he’s Bi. And perfers the men over women.
George!!! Bi?!!!
i’m dying to know who this is.
Jean-Claude Van Dam
Jean-Claude Van Dam
I vote for George.
Colin or Clooney……I don’t think Colin would be embarrassed; Clooney that one makes you think……
I’m thinking Charlie Sheen?
BUT…I never heard that about George …. very interesting.
Erroll Flynn.
Vin Diesal
Good call, Charlie Sheen is a stripper magnet!
I think that it was Nick Lachey. Am I right?
VIN DIESEL for sure
This BI is from 1998. 1998, for god’s sake!
Then who is it?
I don’t care how old they are. there is so much out there that i didn’t know was going on in hollywood.
Rock Hudson
Soooo, this is a waste of time, because you don’t ever give the answers???????
Come on everyone…the answer is obvious:
vin diesel. he has I am very gay imprinted in his muscles
how do you get the answers to these?
Dolph Lungren. He played He-Man in the movie Masters of the Universe. In 1998, he was well-known enough to have a blind item.
Charlie Sheen. His ex wife complained of him surfing gay porn sites.
Gibson…. clearly – Madness… Mad Max….
George Clooney is about as bisexual or gay as my grandma is a motorcycle riding butch-dyke, which, for the record, she isn’t.
This I know for a fact. ‘Nuff said.
George Clooney obviously has more class than this and he wants to go into politics- not him. Remember-it is a he-man. Keanu is not that. Nor Charlie Sheen. But Vin Diesel is.
vin diesal
jean claude van hamm
Its claud he is know to have sex with males