It’s EXHAUSTING hosting nightclub parties, promoting your own clothing line, marketing your own body supplements, and writing a book while working for MTV- maybe that’s why Jenny JWoWW looks a lot skinnier than she used to. The Jersey Shore siren wore this questionable outfit on the left on New Year’s Eve and while the rest of her is smaller, the implants remain the same.

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  1. If you are a stomach sleeper how does one sleep with those things? And what happens to the real breast tissue she started with? And over time do those things due to their weight cause the skin to sag, cause they sure look heavy?

    I don’t watch this dribble, but looking at the 2 photos above it looks like she has newer larger implants.

  2. She is hard-looking, and it’s pitiful such as her are infiltrating the brains of today’s youth. And today’s adults for that matter. Not me, never watched it.

  3. Found that accurate bizzare net top picture with the grotesque defination..? You will.

  4. Just a tad bit “Tacky” to say the least. Who is trying to attract Larry Flynt??

  5. She’s hideous. And skanky. MTV has certainly gone downhill.

  6. It appears her “stylist” is helping JWoww move into a new direction for when Jersey Shore dies, by making her look like a character from Japanese anime.

  7. If she runs into a dart or a sharp pin she’s in trouble. Those things are hideous, and yes, they WILL streatch the skin out of shape and cause drooping, sagging, and stretch marks. They can also leak inside the body and spread silicone thru-out your system. pretty stupid if you ask me.

  8. after paris Hilton’s sponsored life by the hotel chain of the same name, JW marriott enters the scene with the likes of jenny.

  9. this girl is unattractive.
    what is to “wwow” about here?
    anyone who can scrape together 5 grand can also purchase fake looking inflatable breasts.

  10. Just once, I’d like to see fake boobs that aren’t hideous giant lumps that look like stick-on round plastic SO MANY women are so blind and dumb that they can’t SEE what we are seeing in this female’s image. I wouldn’t choose to look like that if a gun were held to my head!

  11. Looks like she had some surgery: implants bigger and nose smaller. And, she looks like she’s anorexic.

  12. WOW is right in this case. If you didn’t have the pic on the right up there, I wouldn’t have known who this was ! Doesn’t even look like herself anymore. I think Natalie is correct. She’s had work done and her nose is totally different. Even her eyes look different somehow !

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