Photo Credit: Splash News
We have a new tourist attraction in Hollywood- Lindsay Lohan’s skidmarks! The location on Sunset and Foothill in Beverly Hills where Lindsay’s care skidded into a tree is attracting cars full of fans with cameras and tour busses. The little chunks of broken car have long since been gathered up and put up for sale on eBay. All that’s left are a patch of torn up grass, tire marks and a dent in the tree, but the spot is now kind of a shrine like OJ’s house was, and a must-see for out of towners. Lindsay’s fathers’ claims about her using “hillbilly heroin” seems to have further increased looky loo traffic there.
So why hasn’t she been charged with hit and run(property damage)?
Because she is “SPECIAL” and very few people with MONEY are EVER held responsible for their actions… thats why!!!!
Jihad on American Society
Given PBH’s recent success of declaring jihad on Natasha Mitra, I am ready to declare another jihad, this time on American society. I know, I know, it’s not Fatwa Friday, but alas, this 9 year old girl gets baked and fried to look like a fu…
I think, besides the fact that both of her parents are junkies, that LL is most likely the survior of childhood sexual abuse … she spent wayyy too much time on movie sets (closed doors, anyone).
Don’t scoff that stuff happens more than you would think.
She also needs to be charged with cocaine possession, underage drinking and leaving the scene of an accident. But apparently in LA the rules are different for the wealthy……….Look how they are kissing paris’ infected ass already.
there is like this VooDoo curse on the formerly “it clique”…all of them are just falling apart all at once.
She also needs to be charged with beinga skanky, no-talent, alcoholic, drug-addled, illiterate whore.
Like mother like daughter.
Like father like daughter.