Lindsay Lohan has been calling retailers and designers who have successfully lent her clothes and jewelry in the past (that means she returned the items without a fight) and asking them to vouch for her in court. Needless to say the idea of validating Lindsay’s honesty and good intentions in a courtroom simply isn’t all that appealing to most of them, and they are avoiding her calls.

About The Author


  1. I get down on my knees and pray to the baby Jesus that this lovely young lady will find her way in life and forsake the ways of Satan.
    She has been under demonic possession for so long now I don’t know if she can pull herself out of the darkness and see the light.
    Run to the light Lindsay. Run to the light. Baby Jesus. Pray with me Reta.

  2. I’m starting to believe that D.A. Danette Meyers jumped the gun on this case which also leads me to question her motives. Is she more interested in justice being served or being known as the one who brought Lindsay down? The store owners have gone on record as saying they didn’t want Lindsay prosecuted, and now even the actual value of the necklace is being seriously questioned. I don’t think I’d vote Lindsay guilty at this point based on what I know of the facts and evidence, and that’s saying something.

  3. There must be plenty of celebrities with sticky finger causing quiet problems all over any place they like to “shop.”

  4. You may be right Rick, but I’m sure they also don’t want to be viewed as being too lenient with her, especially, when she’s on probation and is supposed to be staying out of trouble. Even if this is reduced to shoplifting from larceny, she’s still in violation of her probation.

  5. What makes no sense is that if the necklace was priced at only $800 she wouldnt have stolen it anyway so the listed price is important. This also shows that retailers catering to the famous are really giving them a good screwing on prices.

    Has Sam Ronson been between Lindsay’s legs during all this time?

  6. Strom, she is one of those coked out lesbians like Bobbi Houston. I wonder If she learned all that from her mother. Watching her eating pussy to get her into show business.

  7. “she’s still in violation of her probation”

    Only if she’s truly guilty of doing something wrong. In the week leading up to the necklace incident, Lindsay was in the same store on a different day trying on earrings. She removed an expensive pair of her own she was wearing to try on a cheaper store owned pair. After examining them, she only got as far as removing one of the store owned pair when she became distracted examining more jewelry. After she finished shopping, she neglected to remove the other store owned earring from her ear and forgot pick her own pair up off the counter before leaving the store. The store noticed her error that time, and called her back to get their earring and return hers. That incident is also on store videotape.

  8. LL is running out of friends real quick!!

    My take on the whole thing is……LL is trying to get herself booked on to the Dr Drew show. This will bring her all the things she loves: Money, Attention, Her Family, Reputation and her family. I feel she will be cast in the next cycle. Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Lindsay not dumb like everyone believes.

  9. So Reta, have you read my comment and decided if you want to pray with me? Better yet Reta, have you found Jesus and are you saved. Hallelujah! Let me know; i’m having a fit to know your status with the Lord. Come on, don’t be shy.

  10. RETA, and anyone who cares…..I did not write the first comment, nor did I write the other comment with my name on it.

    Did the mental patients bust out of the hospital and get hold of a computer?

  11. I did not write any of the comments above. Who the hell is doing this to me.
    Is it you Reta? The writing style in some of them looks like yours!
    There is only one Indy and it is me.

  12. Who knows if little Bobbi does coke….she and mom could make a besbo tag team however!

  13. Well a very very hevy da birtation tonight. We had a very dare a dare a dare a sin. lets go ahed to Indy les put a hed put a hed.

  14. Indy, thanks to you I have renounced my atheism and said my prayer of repentance and faith in Jesus. Thank you for opening my eyes. I guess all these false poster(s) that are using your name finally made me come around and let the world know that I am now a born again Christian. Also youwill be glad to know I am kicking my worthless nig out. All he did anyway was follow me around whining for more, more more.

  15. I would be surprised if some retailers didn’t come forward (if there are any). The publicity could be used to their advantage. Who knows?

    on the other hand…..

    Lots of craziness going on around this website. I would like to recommend: LITHIUM in large doses!!!!

  16. What a joke. I guess a murder suspect could call in a guy he passed on the street one day and didn’t kill. Character witnesses are used to speak to positive attributes, not the standards of behaviour set by a civilized society. You are a loser, Ms. Lohan.

  17. Got this mumbling Canadian nutjob down here calls himself Sebastion.
    All he says over and over is, Where’s Indy”? “Where’s Indy”?

  18. Sebastian, it ‘appears’ that your soul is and has been wrestling with the Holy Spirit for supremacy. Satan has had you in his demonic grip for quite a while; you, me, and everyone else knows this, that is if they have an inkling of common sense and can read between the many lines you are writing and have written.

    Oh yeah, and now to the gossip: Let’s hope Ms. Lohan in her mental state does not ever come on this now messed up site. Her mind may get even more screwed up than it already is. BTW, at the risk of getting satan followers more riled up, just contemplate this for one moment……If Lindsay’s mind is not being controlled by myriads of demons (drugs, booze, men, partying, lesbos, thefts), would you please give a theory as to WHY after much money and time and tears, etc have been spent trying to get her straight. Duh…it’s because she needs deliverance pure and simple.

    I am only going off this once because talking to her, threatening her, rehab, blah blah has done no good. The demons remain and call me whatever, I know I am right.

  19. My take on the lunacy going on on this site, supposedly by Indy and myself, is it is Patrick, who it seems has gone missing under his own moniker. Altho strom was the one who liked to call my mate “nig”…but the posts themselves are intelligently above what his average rambling are, so I doubt it is him.

    Whoever it is, it is boring, and rediculous, and the other people don’t want to read your fake posts under other people’s names. it truly shows you cowardice that you can’t face the regulars by your own name and must pretend to be someone else while acting the total asshole.

    I recognise immediately that these posts are not Indy, and I’m sure she can tell the answers are not mine as well. I will never ever ever renounch my position in regards to religions (all of them) and God (again, ALL of them). So go ahead and bait me asshole, who I fuck is my pleasure, and what I choose to NOT believe is a great pleasure in my life as well. I’m happy, and as someone above stated, NOt or never have been on Litium or anything else. I love my life and am one of the happiest people I know.

    Relax Indy. Let it alone. No one here believes the shit here is really you, we all know what your “voice” is, and these posts cannot come close, the person isn’t clever enough to mimmic you. Someone has entirely too much crazy time on their hands…Patrick anyone?

  20. Reta, (the real me is here). I think you were writing yours (above) while I was writing mine at the same time. I realize you don’t really like so-called religious ramblings. So, I apologize for the one above. But looks like our long lost friend Sebastian/Satan/Patrick is back. If this damn site gets back to normal, I’ll try not to sway from the gossip subject….But listen, Reta, this thing about the mental case, Lindsey, this that I wrote about her having demons tormenting her mind could be true, if you don’t mind reading about ‘demons’, etc. once more. Thanks Reta.

  21. Hey Walt, did you bring enough lithium for everybody.

    And hey, who knew Satan had internet access?

  22. Satan baby (the real me is here)

    get your ass home (the real you)

    you have tormented (LITHIUM in large doses!!!!)

    what’s left of Indy’s mind (Ms. Lohan does not come close)

    enough for one day (who the hell is doing this)

    anyone who cares I did not write this comment

  23. From the stories going round looks like Sam Ronson scored w/ LL last night! EEEk

  24. Does she really have AIDS as reported and would Sam still be munching on her if so?

  25. Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass. says:

    Stop stealing you little rich brat and just do the right thing…I love your acting and your funny and pretty but foolish little lady at times.

  26. Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass. says:

    You have a bright future and you just need to do the right thing and really work at just being honest and straight foreward.

  27. Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass. says:

    It is never too late to change your life for the better and young and smart and Beautiful and have a handle on things.

  28. Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass. says:

    Good girl proud of you and better late then never.

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