Leonardo DiCaprio, 41, and Tom Hardy, 38, are two of the hottest actors of our time. Surely, there is a bit of competitive spirit there. Both disguise their good looks with facial hair and Leo is about three inches taller. They ARE different types. The pair are costarring in The Revenant – a “man’s movie” with plenty of violence, revenge, suffering, and other manly activities in the early 1800’s. Can’t say we’re dying to see it…
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Neither one are particularly good looking.
Leo is not attractive at all…never understood the appeal of this very average looking guy…yuck
Neither. Lots and lots of more handsome men in Hollywood. LOTS.
Leo looks like the guy bagging groceries at your local bodega. The Movie looks terrific.
Leo’s not getting the Oscar nor the Golden Globe for Best Actor for rastling with a bear, or whatever he does with the bear, that not many people will pay money to watch.
Are they a couple now?