One celebrity who didn’t make the final cut of Dancing with the Stars is Eddie Cibrian. He was high on the show’s wish list and already in negotiation when his wife LeAnn Rimes thought it over and decided it wasn’t such a great idea. She felt it would be too time consuming and didn’t want to be separated from him. When you have 38 million dollars in the bank, you can tell your husband what to do.

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  1. They look like relatives with both of them have those squinty eyes like that. How could anyone be sexually attracted to anyone who had a similar face to yours?

  2. Their relationship is faker than KIM KARDASHIAN’s ass. Or COCO AUSTIN’s for instance.

  3. He looks like an alcoholic here and rumor is he’s been drinking heavily lately. I cant blame him, lol.

  4. No wonder that race is dumb and stupit. Here are several people of the same race marrying their cousins:
    Jessie James
    Franklin d Roosevelt
    Johann Sebastian Bach
    Thomas Jefferson
    Albert Einstein
    Charles Darwin the nerve with his evolution bullshit. The spin they must do to believe they are master race.
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Jerry Lee Lewis
    Rudy giulani

  5. They do resemble each other, especially the small almost non-existent eyes. I think she put the kabosh on him doing DWTS because he is a cheater and rumors swirl that one or two of the female pros (Cheryl Burke) have no qualms about going after who catches their eye. LeAnn is a fool, and when her fortune runs out, he’ll jump ship, and even before that, if someone richer or better looking catches his eye.

  6. A major lack of research on the cousin issue. Left out was the fact that it is common for many muslims to marry cousins. That would add millions to the list.

    Rudy didnt stay married to his cousin long and the rest on the list are long dead.

    What about a list of successful black men married to black women…that might be a short list.

  7. You are right strom I forgot the fake wannabee jews who marry their cousins. The long list of the dead had a long list of children so spreading the dumb and stupity even more and most likely they are boinking a relative, hence the comments that these two look alike.

    Since you are wondering do the research yourself.

  8. She seems extremely insecure in this relationship and as he is a serial cheater, she couldn’t chance having him be in close quarters with an attractive woman. As for her having 38 mill in the bank, that number is old and she can’t sell records or concert tickets anymore so I imagine the moolah is dwindling. Too bad for her because everyone knows that once she can’t keep him in vacations, cars and pay his child support, he’ll be out the door. If she was a supportive wife and trusted him, she’d let him take the job as it might raise his profile again and earning his own money would at least give him some dignity back.

  9. If you marry a man who cheats on his wife, you’ll be married to a man who cheats on his wife. – Ann Landers

    Leanne should have thought about things a little bit more before she jumped into bed with a married man.

  10. Eddie Cibrian was high on the wish list for DWTS? Is this a joke? That’s odd considering that Eddie Cibrian can’t dance. Have you seen Eddie Cibrian dance? He is very, very, very uncoordinated. It’s almost sad. Secondly Eddie Cibrian is extremely disliked by viewers, just look at the track record for the shows he has been on. The shows hype up his appearance and then they end up suffering from low ratings, cancellations, or underperformance because no one likes him. So why would a show like DWTS associate with someone that is as disliked as Eddie Cibrian? I think it’s funny that now someone from Leann’s camp is putting out that DWTS went after Eddie, just like Nigel went after Leann for XFactor.

    Leann tries way too hard to be sexy and it just makes her look pathetic. She looks like she is about to eat the camera. Eddie does look drunk all the time, I guess that is the only way he can deal with her.

  11. They deserve each other. When a man marries his mistress he opens up a vacancy …

  12. @ Elizabeth: I also think LeAnn is paying his child support; 2 or 3 young kids. Reminds one of knocked-up Jessica Simpson who is supporting her baby daddy Eric.

    TMZ and several mags have pics of LeAnn walking around everywhere in a teeny bikini with all her bones and ribs sticking out. Does she think this is attractive? She must have completely lost her mind.

  13. This has been trick, LeAnn Rimes, does run this c/ocksucker. Price of fk/king a control freak, having her expose you to your wife, for the sole purpose of destroying your family unit, therefore, him having nowhere to go. SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER…LeAnn Rimes. This bitch is clueless for what’s to come. She still thinks she’ll be reborn, have that break out CD…NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

    Nobody tells this chick what the real deal is, that she is shunned by Nashville, nothing she does will ever again be relevant or seem current, EVER. She capped at the top, at what 15?, one song after…and that was THE END of that story.

    She pays for her friends, pays for her adoration, pays for her sex. What she can’t BUY OFF is the KARMA heading her way, like a deadly tornado. One hellava TORNADO. Deadly. DEADLY.

    LeAnn will, without a doubt, end up ALONE. No parents. No friends. No man. No nothing but enough cash to buy her some Mickey D’s. She had a voice, somewhat annoying but she never had inner or outer beauty, NEVER. NOT EVER.

    RIP LeAnn Rimes. R.I.P.

  14. I’m sure she’s terrified to let him out of her sight. Notice she cancels appearances due to “illness” only when he isn’t with her. Then she high tails it home. Doesn’t exactly scream secure relationship. I guess the Trust tattoo she has bragged about it just wishful thinking. Even in the photo shown she is clinging to him like velcro. How pathetic.

  15. I personally can’t wait for her Nervous Fucking Breakdown. It’s going to happen. It’s going to be EPIC.

    LeAnn, “you give to the world, the best you can, and the best will come back to you”. So, in your case, YOU.ARE.SCREWED. Live with it.

  16. She must live a tormented life inside of her head; not being able to trust him. What misery!

  17. More like she was probably terrified he would have had an affair with his beautiful dance partner. She has ruined his career.

  18. “didi”, Eddie “ruined” his own career by choosing to pork someone other than his wife!

  19. Strom, I knew guys like you when I was a kid. Everything was race to them. Sorry ass guys with no life.

  20. Leann obviously has major insecurities. He should take the money and run.

  21. What about a list of successful black men married to black women…likely a very short list.

    The Hammer seems to have, once again, missed the mark!

  22. @jill, he wouldn’t be the first person on DWTS who couldn’t dance. Have you forgotten Kenny Maynes, The Woz, and Master P? All painful to watch.

  23. Strom, are you lazy or a retard? You are able to type racist nonsense with no research every day. If your question bothers you so why can’t do your own research? In a way you proving that master race is dumb and lazy.

  24. I see the psychotic BBs are all over Leann threads. They read every word, read every picture and bully people. Everyone knows the Bbs are a joke – except the Bbs themselves. Get a life, Leann’s had more hits than you will ever dream of – and she can sing a lot better, too.

  25. Good Lord LeAnn Rimes can ONLY get press by strutting around in a bikini. Her boob job looks like crap – Hello Refund?

    She is so insecure about Eddie there is no way she would “allow” him to participate in DWTS! Now if it was her? Oh hell yea she would do it! Extra $$ for her Giggolo husband.

    She ruined her reputation when she decided to step outside her marriage and go after a married man. Karma will kick her butt and she will have a melt down.

    Its coming “wewe”! Its just a matter of time.

  26. HEY BbsAreLosers – Here is a thought for ya – Your fame whore “wewe” started the whole “Bullying” thing on Twitter when she was tweeting wewenlove, all the while screwing a married man, while she was still married herself.

    She and her little band of “wewe’s” like yourself were Bullying Brandi.
    You and her fans are still doing it.

    Now, who’s the wack jobs??

    Move on Moron!

  27. Eddie is Cuban, Cubans are Known as the best lovers and let me tell you it’s not a myth! He’s hot, squinty eyes and all. Funny how they work on him and not on her.

  28. LeAnn’s desperation is palpable. She doesn’t allow her husband out of her sight; at what point will he crack? He destroyed his marriage by sleeping around, and not just with LeAnn. At some point, her clinging, neediness and obsession will drive him away. I’m not a Real Housewives fan, but his ex-wife must be laughing at the way karma is paying them back. LeAnn is desperate, needy and a stalker. The truth is popping up everywhere.

  29. Sorry Strom, if a black guy stole your girlfriend, or dated your sister and you feel like a loser. It’s okay because I hit the mark.

  30. Desperation incarnate. She looks like Skeletor. Who is he anyway?

  31. 35 posts on these two? I don’t get it. Leanne Rimes and Eddie Cibrian, who are they? The talentless Lucy and Desi of the 21st century?

  32. Hahahaha the shortest list in the Book of Lists: Successful Black Men Married to Black Women!

  33. Who or what are the bb’s? I don’t know what that reference is about. Is it someone who isn’t a LeAnn Rimes fan? Then I guess there are a lot of them out there. I think she’s totally squandered her talent and find it odd that she gets so much press in the first place as her glory days are far behind her at this point. The poster is correct. She “had” hits. Had being the key word. Basically she has behaved in a way that has allowed her personal life to overshadow her professional one and has tarnished her reputation badly. Her last album absolutely bombed and it isn’t because she is lacking vocal talent. She obviously doesn’t have enough of a fan base left to have ensured it’s success. That isn’t anyone’s fault but hers. Eddie Cibrian’s career is in the toilet now as well. Not “allowing” him to go on DWTS is selfish and insecure. Their whole relationship just has train wreck written all over it. She obviously has the money to pay for PR but despite what seems to be a constant effort, no one is buying what she’s selling anymore. Does my opinion make me a bb, whatever that means?

  34. WORRY not.. he’s very happy not working.. making plenty of money off her frantic, now comic compulsive preoccupation to dominate and smother him with riches and fame..

  35. Seems like she started out young and with a professional manager and that went by the wayside as she became successful.

    The best case in point is how someone with mediocre talent like J Lo becomes very successful with a very sharp manager. Same is true of Jessica and Britney. Same is true of why Lindsay L has flopped w/ mom managing.

  36. The fact that Eddie let LeAnn decide whether or not he was on DWTS shows that he’s only with her for the cash. SHE definitely calls all shots in that marriage. I agree with Elizabeth that if he did get on the show, it might open up other doors for him and give him some self-esteem. If all else fails, maybe he could get back on The Young and the Restless. His character was a real shithead on that show. But he was good at it.

  37. to: Heather

    I was wondering the same thing…what the heck is a ‘bb’.

    She is done for, finished, washed up, look for big things to come for these 2 nut jobs, and most of them not good.

  38. “She and her little band of “wewe’s” like yourself were Bullying Brandi.
    You and her fans are still doing it.”

    Must be a real fan!

    The shortest list in the Book of Lists: Successful Black Men Who Remain Married to Black Women!

  39. I think these two d-listers get press because they’re the new Speidi: it’s a trainwreck. You can’t turn away. He seems like a douchebag and she seems like narcissistic unstable psycho. At least she didn’t cancel her show this week since Eddie could come with her and she could keep an eye on him. That might earn her some goodwill? Who knows…I’m not sure their careers can be repaired. They’re a pretty big joke now, it seems.

    From what I’ve seen, BBs are people who got on Twitter to defend Eddie’s ex-wife, when it became known that Leann was harassing her. But I think there’s more people who dislike Leann Rimes and Eddie Cibrian than the BBs on Twitter. That seems to be her fans’ go-to argument though to try to discount people who dislike her.

    Like I said….trainwreck.

  40. The BBs are The Brandi Bunch. They defend Brandi Glanville, the ex wife of Cibrian, who has been bullied by LeAnn and her crazy fans on twitter. The LeAnn and Eddie story is like a trainwreck. She bought her man, but at what price? He is a serial cheater and will cheat on her. The nervous breakdown is going to be epic and she lost a lot of fans by her attitude and actions after the cheating scandal. She’s crazy!!

  41. And LeAnn is a lunatic bc she KNOWS that she will never be as gorgeous as Brandi. Poor lil wewe!!! She can buy her man but she can’t buy her sanity!

  42. strom: you like to remind people to “stay on subject” but YOU are the one poster who goes off subject the MOST with your racist hatred! And now this rediclulous crap “survey” (take it yourself as many have already told you, asshole!)

    But why do you keep saying:
    “Successful Black Men Married to Black Women”?

    Are you really THAT much of a moron? What about the black WOMEN that are successful and have kept their relationships strong over many years? But then, you being not only a raging racist but a misogynist as well it doesn’t surprise me that you would only ask the question about black MEN!

    You must have THE TINYEST PENIS ever seen in a locker room. What happened “strom”? Did you get a good peek over at the little black kids in the gym showers and have a terrible fright because YOURS was barely poking out from your big white flubber belly? How you must have gone home and cried and cried into your pillow for days on end, unable to explain to your (I’m sure equally racist father) what you were crying about as he beat you about the head for being a wimp and crying like a little girl! Of course, you couldn’t TELL HIM it was because your teeny penis didn’t measure up, because you’d seen daddy’s once too, as he got out of the shower and went to shave and HE had no penis EITHER! In fact….I wonder how you were even concieved with that tiny thing…and I’ll betcha YOU don’t have any offspring made by that lil ol wee-wee of your’n, now, do ya? Ya, That’s what I thought. (Oh, unless of course, your then-wife…got it on with the hunky black milk man or mail man and produced a cute little boy with a willy down to HERE…that made you realise…that kid just COULDN’T be YOUR’N…so you walked out on her, and have been a bitter and hateful piece of shit ever since…now run off and do your survey…I’m SURE it will be VERY scientific and acurate as well as unpredudicial….riiiiiight!!!!!

  43. It’s got to be the dick, no one talks this much about one group of people unless he has less than them. Okay, we’ll pray for ya, well at least a few of will. Maybe if you’re good and Santa Claus might give you another inch.

  44. Who are these weirdos talking about race and people marrying their cousins?? WTF does that have to do with this article?

  45. @Denise

    Eddie Cibrian’s dancing is so painful it’s sad. Kate’s and Jerry’s dancing was bad, but it was funny. With Eddie Cibrian it’s not even funny because the media gives Eddie Cibrian more credit than he actually deserves and he never ever measures up to that standard. Hence why shows always do very poorly when he is on it despite the fact that they heavily promote him as a “Hot and sexy” man that every man wants to be like and every woman wants. It’s funny that DWTS thinks that Eddie would be a good choice for their show when he couldn’t even motivate people to watch The Playboy Club when he was the lead for the show. Leann has planted stories before, like how Playboy asked her to pose 3 times or how Xfactor judges asked her to be on their show, so I won’t be surprised if this DWTS thing was also planted by Leann.

  46. @BBarelosers

    If Leann stopped the famewhoring, then she wouldn’t have to worry about the negative feedback from her staged photo-ops and tweets.

    Well Leann most certaintly didn’t have any hits last year or the year before that when her 3 singles and album flopped. Leann sits on twitter 24/7 tweeting about another woman’s kids and has to make out with her husband’s mistress just to get a drunk Eddie to kiss her, so it’s Leann who doesn’t have a life. Eddie can’t even attend a golf tournament or hang out with his racing buddies without Leann trying to babysit him. Perhaps it’s time for the press to face the facts, Eddie is already cheating on Leann, why else would she follow him to a golf tournament and to a bar?

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