We love this 50’s vintage Fruit of the Loom ad from Life magazine. This old brand is making a big comeback in Hollywood – forget Calvin Klein. Brad Pitt, Rob Pattinson, and Zac Efron have all been photographed with their Fruit of the Loom labels peeking out above their jeans. So it makes sense that Kris Jenner, who is now managing her daughter’s fiancee Kris Humphries, would try to land a deal with this company and make Humphries spokesmodel for the label. She’s determined to make it happen and wants to see his face on every package of underwear sold.
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How long do you give the marriage to last, Janet? Anyone?
Judging from his height, he is going to need a XXXL pair of undies.
KK is going against the old saying, “once you go black you never go back” for a reason. Humphrie’s is definately hiding something behind those yellow shorts, and my guess is…it ain’t no inch worm!!
kris jenner needs to mind her own BIZ and see what further damage she can inflict upon her two youngest hookers,, uh…..daughters.
sorry, he is used to BIKINI’S, kris.
If this male ho bag becomes the face of Fruit of the Loom, you can bet i’ll never purchase any of their products. Besides, if he doesn’t have herpes now, he probably will get it soon if he hasn’t already. Fruit of the Herpes.
I think this is the age of the real stage parents. We have Joe Simpson, Kris Jenner, Billy Ray Cyrus all pimping out their kids and anyone near their kids if it can benefit them. That old bumper sticker “Stupid people shouldn’t breed” is so dang true.
I’ll bet the skid marks on his Looms will last longer than his marriage to what’s that baracuda’s face?
Humphries may be 26, but he’s still a kid, his face indicates an unformed young person. Too young to get married to a very sophisticated, controlling empire. Goodbye Kris, you’ll never know who you were, or could have become.
Another reason I’m glad my husband wears Hanes.
P.S. What are “sanforized shorts”? Boxers?
Kris Jenner is a brilliant manager. She knows how to CASH in. Perfect timing,if she’s in charge of managing his Career he will make out in the millions!!!!! And she will get a great cut!!! The girls with no talent, can’t sing, act or really do anything but look good, have managed to make multi millions! She ( mom) is super brilliant!!!!!!!
I tried wearing those stupid shorts once. If you don’t mind your pecker peeking out and looking for escape all of the time I suppose they’re fine. I prefer containment.
They are Cute on Men and it looks sexy to some degree and colors are nice and wonderful for men to wear and I find it rather attractive and of course,I am not in Kris Humphries He is not my type and I can see him as a Brother or Pal but not as Sexy but yet he is a good looking man and yet He is not some one I would not to get down with?
@ Patrick, you cracked me up!
Good one Patrick!
Kris Jenner has …. Balls.
Kris Jenner is a brilliant woman, that’s about all I can say for that family, they are everything that’s wrong with our society. I find it hilarious that kim k keeps dating younger and younger guys, she must know a strong mature man would see right through the fake rear, breasts, extensions, false eyelashes and that baby prostitute voice she copied from Paris Hilton. No real man that respects himself would ever date or wife up a porn ho that was urinated on by Ray j on a porn tape. This kid doesn’t love her, he just wants the attention he’s getting right now and that ring is from her Reggie days it’s probably a cubic zirconia. Her two sisters khloe and Kourtney have a better life and the whole world hasn’t seen their kooter
Btw he looks like billionaire son Brent howroyd
Sorry that was Brett howroyd
Nobody smart wears that shoddily made, cheap brand of underwear anymore.
So Patrick, are you saying that you wear itsy bitsy teeny weenie shorts. Because clearly, unless of course you are some kind of freak of nature, your pecker would not be poking out of those shorts. Haha
This extended family is like one big ball of yarn,and there seems to be No remedy to end the stories about them which is like one big YAWN!!
There is No doubt that Kris Jenner is an enterprising woman with The Midas Touch within her family,but I believe that businessman Bruce Jenner is on a very short leash. Because
Momanager Kris may end up being her “Potential” son-in-law’s manager,she just might become a too close for comfort in the life of Kim K and Kris as a married couple. There are Not too many son in laws who want The Mrs. Mother to be interfering in their private life. Because Kris has the determination to want to know everybody’s business and be in everybody’s I believe that if a marriage take place between Kim and Kris, it will be shorter than the 9 day marriage between Michelle Phillips and Dennis Hopper. I am all for love and happiness, but when the world know just about as much about your business as you do, that is Never a good start. PEACE!!
Can’t speak for the other fella’s Muffy but when I wore those things the python kept getting out.
Do you get the feeling the Kardashians wouldn’t have any interest in him if he were “Chris” instead of “Kris?” 🙂
@ Mona Garrett:
What’s in a Name!!
Your analogy makes sense, or should I rewrite, and say,
your analogy makes $$cents$$!!
@ Patrick:
N’Joyed a good laugh about your “brief statement!!”
Love the stories that our Pen Pals share with all of us!!
Uh, Kris is actually HALF BLACK. You make no sense. DUH
He looks “slow”.