#kimkardashian #kanyewest #janetcharlton

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were spotted leaving the Laser Away hair removal salon today and this Is NOT something couples generally do together. Obviously these two are becoming VERY close. Still, Kanye doesn’t look at all comfortable being seen at such a place and he kept his black hoodie up on a hot day.

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  1. Kayne still looks ghetto but KK doesnt mind so long as she has a BLACK man with her. She would be a hairy fright in the nude w/o major work.

  2. Kanye does not look ghetto, his outfit cost nor than 3 months of it rent. Kim looks pretty

  3. Wow, maybe I was wrong about Kanye…if he is the influence responsible for her more natural hair and make-up, plus that modest, but flattering outfit…maybe he’s not so bad afterall!

    To me, she’s always been a beautiful woman who is so painfully self-conscious that she can’t just be herself (did you see her on Dancing With the Stars? let go, lady!), she has to hide herself behind too many contrivances (both in her grooming and in her behaviour). Maybe true love is finally setting her free.

    But, Kanye? Ew!

  4. The hair and lack of makeup are only because this is a medical clinic which has been mowing the hair off their bodies…she would have a major mustache otherwise.

    Kayne looks totally ghetto which is all he knows.

  5. It is so not right

    For her to ever wear white.

  6. This is something girls do with their best gay male friend …

  7. In this photo, Kanye’s walking like maybe he still has some wax up in his nether regions.

    Hey Patrick, how are you doing?

  8. Oops. Perhaps no wax at the laser place. Silly me. Maybe one of his cohones got zapped?

  9. @palermo

    Yes !!! Yes !!!! That is exactly what she is doing!!!! Sounds like they are just close girlfriends!!!!

  10. I’m surprised that it wasn’t an all day appointment. She is one hairy girl. He looks scary.

  11. These two mental midgets and sexual delinquents should be subjected to forced castration.

  12. Hi Denise, thanks for asking.
    Doing my best not to let my anger and sadness show. I don’t know if it ever gets better? A big empty space with the loss of the boss. So unfair.

  13. Do these revolting people tip the paparazzi off where ever they go?

  14. The hair and lack of makeup are only because this is a medical clinic which has been mowing the hair off their bodies…she would have a major mustache otherwise.

    Kayne looks totally ghetto which is all he knows. KK only knows the look of a BLACK man.

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