Photo Credit: Splash News

Kevin Costner just announced that he and his long-suffering wife Christine Baumgartner are expecting their second child. Did he really think he could have a quiet lunch at Cafe Primo on Sunset Strip without being noticed? Not in this town. He devoured a panini sandwich and Gelato under the watchful eye of a long lens camera. Actually he looks kind of hot for his age.

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  1. Janet, are they paying you to plug this Cafe on your site? Why do you constantly name drop businesses?

  2. If Christine is ‘long-suffering’, she has no one to blame but herself. She surely knew she was getting a cheater and a fast-aging has-been. $$$ always talks when it comes to dirty old stars marrying someone young enough to be their daughter.

  3. Yeah, he looks good for his age…….if he’s 82 that is.

  4. Long suffering? He just finally married her on some lake a few years ago. His first wife, whom he cheated on constantly, would have been the long suffering one, if you ask me. Didn’t this Christine woman see water world? He’s a has been.

  5. he’s a jerk…i dealt with him several times in santa barbara…yuck, yuck, yuck…what a creep…

  6. he’s a jerk…i dealt with him several times in santa barbara…yuck, yuck, yuck…what a creep…

  7. I sure do love the way the front of his pants stick out!!

  8. I sure do love the way the front of his pants stick out!! BULGE!!!

  9. I sure do love the way the front of his pants stick out!! BULGE!!!

  10. I sure do love the way the front of his pants stick out!! BULGE!!!

  11. Christine, you stupid skag, you know he cheated on his wife repeatedly. He’s already cheated on you and will again. Get out. He is no good, never has been, in fact he IS a has been.
    Not only that he is a rotten actor; he has one facial expression….how did he get to be a (*)?

  12. >>I sure do love the way the front of his pants stick out!!

  13. >>I sure do love the way the front of his pants stick out!!

  14. Hey,
    Why is Christine(Kevin Costner’wife long suffering. They seem happy or is that fake.

  15. Why do you say he a jerk……I think she will leave him….I think Chrisyine forgot about the honeymoon scandal

  16. She knows exactly what she married. I love Kevin costner to death, but something about her doesn’t fit. His one love has passed.
    If she did get out she would get more money than she probably deserves. What the heck makes her so special?

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