
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

The Anonymous people are still demonstrating against Scientology outside the New York theater where Katie Holmes’ play “All My Sons” is featured. This one was particularly amusing.

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  1. Katie is just a shell of her former self. She has a certain emptiness in her eyes. Like a Stepford wife. I hope she escapes one day.

  2. Sorry Blues Brothers Guy, it’s a wee bit late for Katie and Suri. She knew what she was getting in to with Scientology, but money and fame and fortune and having a short maniacal super-star *(in his mind)* won out. Now, you and Suri are caught up in it hook, line and sinker. They will not let you out, even if you woke up and wanted out. The brain-washing continues, because SCI never has an ending.

  3. She’s not as sweet and innocent as she portrays herself to be. She’s just as manipulative as her adopted “religion” and just as wacky as her crazy husband. Like attracts like!
    I don’t feel sorry for her. She was just another deperate actress wanting to get ahead and hooking up with Tommy was her idea of being ambitious. Little did she know that all who are affiliated with L. Ron and Tommy don’t have much of a career left.

  4. I’d sure like to see what color pretty eyes he’s hinding under those goggles, he’s so handsome, I h=just can’t help but droll a little on my keyboard.

  5. I’d sure like to see what color pretty eyes he’s hinding under those goggles, he’s so handsome, I just can’t help but drool a little on my keyboard.

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