Kelly Osbourne, 28, seems to enjoy picking apart people on Fashion Police, but she goes a step further with Taylor Swift, 23. Kelly admits she’s not a fan of Taylor because she’s “SO fake!” In fact Kelly once mocked what she calls Taylor’s false modesty on the show. Kelly thinks Taylor pretends to be overwhelmed and shocked when she receives awards. We think she might be a teensy bit jealous of Swift – not only is she beautiful, but she has talent and has made a bundle of money on her own. Outspoken Kelly has pretty much ridden on her parents’ coat tails. And there ARE worse things than being too modest. (Above, Kelly, left, and cast of Fashion Police)

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  1. Kelly might be jealous but her statements are completely accurate. Taylor has had more frankfurters in her than the hot dog eating champ and she pretends to be so pure.

  2. Ya think Kelly is jealous? Duh! Kelly seems to be a mean spirited witch who is famous only because of her dad.

    Taylor Swift seems to be a genuinely good person. She’s kind, talented and professional.

    Compare the two; which one is more attractive to the average man? It’s obvious that most would pic Taylor.

    I bet Kelly loved it when ol’ selfish Kanye grabbed the mike from Taylor at the MTV awards. Ha! Kanye got his from that mean ol’ sign. I can still hear Taylor laughing!

    Shut yo trap Kelly and do us all a favor.

  3. I completely agree with Kelly on this, no matter what her motives are. Taylor is phony and untalented. She writes and sings really stupid songs–always off key–and her guitar playing is atrocious.

  4. Taylor is a successful musician who has create great art. Kelly is a catty mean famewhore. nuff said.

  5. Why is Kelly sporting gray hair? She looks like Ozzy with missing teeth.

    The girl in the purple dress how come she doesn’t eat. How does her husband have sex with such a bony chick. Why is her head and teeth so so big?

  6. Hello: Women tiny bodies, big heads and lots of teeth usually do well on TV. Think Susan Lucci or Farrah Fawcett. etc.

  7. My 2 cents,

    Kelly is somewhat mean-spirited and judgmental and maybe a tad jealous of Taylor.

    Kelly is right on the money about Taylor, in that when Taylor’s name is announced as an award winner, she looks all around with her mouth wide open, feigning mock surprise. I have seen her do it many times. It is so obvious and sickening.

    Taylor has a prettier face, but she is gangly and tit-less at 5 foot 11 inches.

    Kelly has a less than perfect face, but she has a better figure (at least in above pic)

    @ HELLO, …the gal in the purple dress is the anorexic Giuliana Rancic, she is on the red carpet a lot and does award show emcee-ing.

    Pros and cons, on here as on everything. lol

  8. The purple dress woman is what is known as a “bobble head”. They usually have an eating disorder and have skinny sick bodies and it makes the head look huge.
    Now about Kelly. Since she had her gastric operation and lost a hundred pounds she has become even more obnoxious than the untalented daughter of Joan Rivers. Had they not dropped out of “celebrity” ginies they would probably asking us if we wanted fries with our burgers. Nothing wrong with that by the way!

  9. We have no reason to assume that Kelly is driven by jealousy. Sure, Kelly got a head start from her parents’ name, but she has a good job, she’s entertaining, bright and has every reason to feel confident about herself. I doubt she feels threatened by Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift clearly is a lot more savvy and controlling about her career and demeanour than she lets on. I’m not rich, young and famous, like Swift, but I don’t feel threatened by her. I don’t buy into superficial hierarchies of success, maybe Kelly doesn’t either.

  10. now, there’s three ladies worthy of respect. Gracious, skilled and elegant of mind. Three signs of the apocalypse …. along with CIndia 🙂

  11. She’s a big mouth like her mother. Can’t stand her. Gastric Bypass or Sleeve-no way diet & exercise. She is full of s**t!

  12. Kelly looks like an old lady and acts like a spoiled baby.

  13. When I first saw this post I thought it was about 4 clowns in a circus coming to a nearby town.

  14. well, we can’t see their shoes, so maybe you’re right? A cast of clowns.

  15. Sorry, you’re wrong and Kelly is right, on this one at least. Taylor may have made a bundle of money on her own, but she made it selling crappy music to people with more money to waste than taste. She’s neither particularly beautiful nor particularly talented and I’m sure I can understand how somebody like Kelly Osbourne who has had plenty of exposure to musicians who truly do have a lot of talent could be even more irritated at this overrated and undergifted twit than the average person is.

  16. Taylor Swift is a no talent hag her so called songs are ridiculous I do not think we will be hearing from her in the years to come like most of todays “pop stars”

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