Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian may not be the best-liked or even the most believable couple in town, but the fact is, they DO have a lot in common. First of all, grooming. These two never leave the house without having every hair and eyelash in place. Even when they’re casually dressed, they are immaculate – not a blemish in sight. They both must spend hours in hair salons, and other beautification places. Plus, both are heavily involved in the fashion business and can certainly use each other ideas and feedback. We’re not crazy about Kanye, but we think he has a more sophisticated fashion sense than Kim.

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  1. Questions Questions Questions

    What is Kanye West holding in that photo?
    Is he trying to contain something or pulling up his drawers?

    Why does Kim Kardashian insist on wearing tight leather pants on a big butt? I have no complaints about her figure. She looks fine but is the style now?

    Is there anyone in the world that actually believes these two are really dating? Kanye looks awkward with any woman. Kim always looks like she is hawking makeup or hair color.

  2. Kim always looks beautiful. I don’t think Kanye suits her. That is, if they are indeed dating. She’s just too darn pretty for him!

  3. That whole Kartrashian clan is gross. She must wear 15 pounds of makeup, has filed that nose down to a nub and has the morals of a crack whore. She has incredibly poor taste in fashion(I hear the clothing line at Sears is a disaster). Plus she has a sense of entitlement that is boundless. They should all go away. On a positive note, she and Kanye deserve each other.

  4. Looks like she has attempted to bind her breasts to look flat chested. Or maybe just growing a center boob.

  5. Yeah, Kim’s got a bad fitting bra, or she is growing another pair of boobs. As far as being immaculately groomed it’s really really boring and tiresome to be around someone who has to redo their makeup and hair every two hours, and constantly check their clothes for lint and wrinkles. Lizard people.

  6. “Droopy”-west needs a mirror?
    ………..WHAT FOR?

    looking at his TURD twice?

  7. Funny that you state that she is always put together, and between them both God knows they have more money than me. But why can’t homegirl buy a bra that fits.

    You would think that for all the money silicone breasts cost, you would no longer need a bra. Her chest is sagging about as much as kanyes trousers.

  8. Haaa JC thinks they are fashion icons. One look at her wrist shows her lack of style and class.

    No white woman has has more BLACK meat than Kim. J Lo is a closr second but at least there is no film or her being anally pummeled by BLACK men. That shows her class as well.

    Why would anyone pay a centavo to see either of these or buy anything they promote.

  9. No white woman has has more BLACK meat than Kim. J Lo is a closr second but at least there is no film or her being anally pummeled by BLACK men. That shows her class as well.

  10. No white woman has has more BLACK meat than Kim. J Lo is a closr second but at least there is no film or her being anally pummeled by BLACK men.

  11. No white woman has has more BLACK meat than Kim. J Lo is a close second at being anally pummeled by BLACK men.

  12. A lonely ferret in his burrow near a dumpsite has more more sophisticated fashion sense than them

  13. By Muffie
    On April 22, 2012 at

    “Kim always looks beautiful. I don’t think Kanye suits her. That is, if they are indeed dating. She’s just too darn pretty for him!”


  14. Dam strom you sound obsessive and psychotic. Why are you so upset that she fucking a black man? Do you have anyone to fuck? Is no-one fucking you?

    George Lucas is dating a black woman. You make fun of Heidi and Seal but the fat pig baby daddy of hers didn’t want to do anything with her and her kid.

  15. Strom, anal, Black, white woman, again and again …. Strom if I didnt think you were crazy, you’d be well …. obsessed. ooops that is crazy !

    Get out much do you ?

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