Remember at the beginning of this year when James Woods made a fuss over the fact that Melania Trump, a former model and the most beautiful of all first ladies, has NEVER been featured on an American style magazine cover during her husband’s four years in office? In her eight years as First Lady, Michelle Obama had 12 magazine covers, including 3 times on Vogue. When we saw this Kamala Harris Elle magazine cover just released, we got the feeling “this is the start of something BIG” and it seems so right…

Photo: Instagram

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  1. Melania, beautiful? I suppose if you like trailer trash dressed up in designer clothes. Janet, Have you heard the first LAYdy talk? She makes a sailor blush. “Who gives a fu*k about Christmas”!!!! LOL The Tramps make the Beverly Hillbillies look classy. Melania is cold and distant. And lies. She lied about her education, her “Einstein visa” while plagerizing Michelle Obama’s speech. Heck, even her “Be Best” is ripped off from Michelle’s “Be Best” No she is ugly inside and mediocre outside. But I don’t really care, do U?

  2. Melania, beautiful? I suppose if you like trailer trash dressed up in designer clothes. Janet, Have you heard the first LAYdy talk? She makes a sailor blush. “Who gives a fu*k about Christmas”!!!! LOL The Tramps make the Beverly Hillbillies look classy. Melania is cold and distant. And lies. She lied about her education, her “Einstein visa” while plagerizing Michelle Obama’s speech. Heck, even her “Be Best” is ripped off from Michelle’s “Be Best” No she is ugly inside and mediocre outside. But I don’t really care, do U?

  3. Everything that is wrong with the Dems clarified.
    Completely out of touch.

  4. The democrats have no depth, no policies and no sshame.

  5. I think Mel would be perfect for the cover of Hooker Weekly she is a classless piece of garbage just like her husband

  6. Melaina former “model”, pleez you mean call girl. Nothing pretty about her.

  7. You mean Melania’s perpetual look of smelling Donnie’s farts is attractive?

  8. Melania, meow, meow, hisss, phhhtphhht.
    meow, hairball wretch, hiss!
    Michelle…a beautiful, strong, brave woman.
    Kamala…so pretty and inspiring. I like her choice of pantsuit.
    Melania, meow,hisss!

  9. Melania is not fit to be mentioned in the same paragraph as the brilliant and accomplished Harris. Melania is a plastic-surgerized call girl with a potty mouth and an even more disgusting husband.

  10. melania is trumps trophy wife meant to be seen and not heard………all the attention must go to him his wife is just his arm candy

  11. Hey Don Don!

    You said, “…the brilliant and accomplished Harris.”

    What accomplishments are those?

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