
Jonah Hill
works out like a madman in the gym, but afterward he goes out and treats himself! He’s pictured here tucking into a jumbo frozen yogurt dessert while his friend enjoys a regular size treat. Jonah lost 40 pounds on a sushi diet before he appeared in Moneyball with Brad Pitt, and says when he’s thinner he’s “taken more seriously as an actor.” Sweets appear to be his downfall.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. How did this completely talentless fool ever become an actor or actually be nominated for two oscars? Hint…it’s a 3 letter word.

  2. @Jenna Larue – Hill is still the friend of one of Dustin Hoffmann’s sons and subsequently he begged the great actor to make him famous. One thing led to another and here he is…. Ethnic networking is alive and well too

  3. americans don’t have any role models in eating.
    well, the President.

  4. Maybe his next role is the way, way “before” poster boy for Jenny Craig.

  5. This complete loser must have some amazingly powerful agent behind him because I just don’t see any talent.

  6. Being a Jewish person myself I scratch my head wondering how a completely worthless cad like this has achieved anything in life. Does nepotism or cronyism actually force losers like this upon a consuming nation?

  7. I think this pinhead’s rise to fame has made most people’s opinion of Hollywood hit the toilet. Same guy responsible for the useless Lena Dunham is behind this miscreant.

  8. Did anyone ever wonder how this average schmoe ever achieve fame?

    He seems like a total farce?

  9. How can anyone actually consider this dude an actor? Is this a ruse?

  10. Can a gentile compete for the same parts this fellow seems to get all of the time?

  11. I think Janet posts stories like this to encourage comments. It’s well known that 99% of people that recognize Jonah Hill despise him for what he represents

  12. Hill represents everything that is percieved as nepotism or cronyism. He can’t act.

  13. When you ponder the collapse of WTC 7, you wonder what J Hill was doing on the day that a concrete and steel building collapsed into it’s own footprint at freefall speed.

  14. There has never been a collapse of a highrise building due to fire since 9/11 or before 9/11 excepting WTC 7. Can Jonah Hill enlighten us about this? Why did it take NIST 7 years to produce an explanation?

  15. How does one ‘predict’ that a 47 story office tower is going to collapse into its own footprint at a precise time?

  16. No 9/11 conspiracies here but Jonah Hill seems like a complete and total loser?

  17. How could anyone consider this imposter a citizen of the artistic community?

  18. How could anyone consider this dude an actor? Does his Father own Boeing?

  19. The Jew likes to fill his face. Just like the Bankers at Goldman Sachs who demanded a bailout after they squandered billions of their clients life savings.

  20. Looks like he lost 40lbs and gained 60lbs back. He is morbidly obese from what I can see.

  21. Who’s dick did he suck to get famous? No talent!

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