John Travolta and his lawyers are in a snit because those pesky sex assault charges against John just keep coming. Travolta sent his lawyer after Gawker when they revealed that they’d acquired a report of insurance claims made against John’s production company and it indicated that close to $85,000 was paid out to two of a total of SIX sex assault claims made against the actor last year. According to Gawker, four parties made claims against the production company that we never heard about – including his longtime stunt double, a former driver, and a physical therapist. These activities cannot be covered up forever.

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  1. There was a time when I had a measure of respect for this man. Not anymore.

  2. let’s call the man from today on: A-S-S-H-O-L-E, folks!!

  3. He has that Ken doll hair thing going. Someone should tell him it s not a good look.

  4. What I don’t understand is how is he even insurable anymore. His long history of this kind of thing is well-known.

    He’s just a disgusting perv.

  5. John is so desperate and he can’t control his impulses. The amazing this is: his wife is still around???? Yuck!!!!!!

  6. I wouldn’t mind getting to the bottom of his issues…

  7. He really just needs someone to help him buttress his stance.

  8. Looks like Mr. Travolta goes to the clown school in Florida to get his hair and eyebrows done.

  9. LOL Bluejay. He looks so creepy lately I can hardly look at this photo.

  10. Cal, he does indeed look like PeeWee. lol

    Unless you have been living in a cave, you know 100% he is g.a.y. (tons of proof).

    I hope Kelly gets checked immediately for a gross disease……and that she leaves his sorry a** NOW.

  11. I guess he expects us all to believe all these guys coming out of the woodwork and accusing him of all kinds of stuff are ALL made up and just coincidences?!

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