Photo Credit: Splash News
Joe Cocker performed at the New Orleans Jazz Festival this week and we can hardly wait to see him at the Nokia this June. We have to confess we don’t think we’ve ever seen him perform when he wasn’t drunk. Remember when he appeared on Saturday Night Live and John Belushi did his Joe Cocker impersonation right onstage with him? Nowadays Joe is married to a friend of Jane Fonda and lives on the Mad Dog ranch in Colorado, far from his birthplace of Sheffield. We’re guessing he doesn’t drink as much as he used to. Click play button below to relive Joe’s song from “9 1/2 Weeks.”
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Somebody Heimlich that guy QUICK he’s choking to death!! If he sneeses he’s going to loses his drawers!!
Janet, why are you constantly referrin to yourself as ‘we’? And Most people who read this blog were not alive when Cocker was on SNL with Belushi. rotflmao
Kim should consider herself lucky Alec didn’t snuff her out after the divorce.
Excuse me! or Excuse you–lots of people who read Janet were alive when Joe and Belushi were on SNL. Go read “US” so you can keep up on your teen celebrities.
5:42AM is right. If Janet is too old for you stick with that PC nerd Perez.
Young or old, referring to herself in the third person just makes Janet look more stupid than her hair. Oh and Cocker’s problem isn’t alcohol – he has cerebral palsy, stupid.
Even drunk Joe was and is one of the best live acts to see of all time. He thrives of giving the public what they paid for with little fan fare and a lot of passion. I could name a lot of performers that could take a page out of Joe’s book.
Gosh, doesn’t Mickey look beautiful! It’s hard to remember those days. He has destroyed his good looks.
I’m sure in the home for the elderly there are plenty of them still alive & kickin’, folks!!
OMIGOD! Mickey Rourke didn’t always look like a monster! He was actually attractive, once.
3 facts: 1) Mickey Rourke ruined his face with too much surgery. 2) Kim Basinger is a bona-fide whore. 3) Joe Cocker has an unusual and recognizable and great voice.
I’ve seen Joe several times live and he gives you goosebumps with the passion in his voice. I remember well the SNL early years. So if this site is too old for some of you, I agree with the others and you lil’ doggies should just move on — there’s more than enough sites for kids to hang at. Although, it wouldn’t hurt you all to learn something about people with real talent.
Oh yea! It is always great looking at the World Trade Center towers. I feel like we loss a part of our soul on 911.
I thought he was dead, he used to sing good, but move his fingers in a very spastic way
Joe we love your music and happy that your around showing the world your amazing talent and your great singer and you still have your style and class and grace but I really like your music and really classic and no one in this world sings like you and we know you love Pool and animals and cats and dogs and cold winter weather and It is great that you take time for yourself. People from all over the world really crave your music and love to hear you sing it. I Have always liked you since wood stock…have a wonderful day and good health and good joy and wonderful life to you.
Drinking and drugs almost killed him and it is best for him to stop all together or it is his life and yes…I Know he lives in Canada and has massive dogs and cats.
So happy he is alive and healthy and strong and…Has a lovely wife to share his life with.