Sorry, but if this is the result of Justin Timberlake telling his fiancée Jessica Biel what to wear, we think she should stop listening. Jessica is one of the true natural beauties in Hollywood and this is how she showed up for the “Total Recall” premier in London. She has admitted that Justin is in the habit of giving her fashion and beauty advice. Her dress is awfully fussy and the feathered peplum gives her an odd shape. Her haircut is a bit droopy for a festive evening out. On the other hand, maybe Justin WASN‘T around to check out this look before she left the hotel.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Agree with you Janet. A natural beauty with fabulous skin, hair and figure, but horrible taste.

  2. Jessica is no natural beauty. She’s had both her nose and her lips done. It’s easy to find pictures of her when she was a young actress and her plastic surgeries are obvious.

  3. Jessica has been said to have long had herpes…..unfortunately over 50% of BLACK women are infected w/ herpes…where is Oprah and her outrage and $$$$$? Where is Mr. Hope & Change?

  4. John is correct.

    Not only that, she is really buck-tooth. As you can see, when she barely opens her mouth, all her teeth buck out. When she smiles big, whoa baby, bow wow. Sad, but true. And those bangs, no no no no.

    I read in one of the rag mags that Jessica’s parents do not like Justin because of his reputation of cheating on her, with their off/on relationship. She is hanging on to him with a death-grip, though I think JT is self-absorbed and not handsome nor a talented singer.

  5. PS: I have read several times that she treats her fans like they are dirt under her feet and won’t talk or take pics or sign.

  6. She’s not pretty…certainly not a natural beauty. She’s not talented. I don’t get how she stays employed in Hollywood.

  7. uh oh, another PS:

    In the back of me mind, I remember reading where an informant claimed JT was gay gay gay. He based this on the fact that he was not only a mama’s boy, but a super-duper mama’s boy. In other words, mama told him who to date and who to shun. Also, he claimed he has a fascination with women’s fashions, as evidenced above that he gives Jessica fashion advice. I just read it, that’s all. But if it is true, this would be the same pattern followed by DiCaprio and Clooney….changing ladies every few months thereby keeping themselves deep in the closet. lol

  8. I remember photos where she seemed very gay, she had ahold of some woman’s butt in her hand and kept squeezing. He never looks very “into” her, that’s for sure

  9. I’m not a fan of peplum, but if she got rid of the feathers,those heavy bangs and gave her hair a good trim, she’d be fabulous.

  10. Very over rated and has a nasty attitude. She gets “fashion” advice from JT?! That tells me all I need to know about that little prick.

  11. The outfit is sophisticated, chic and breath- taking.

  12. is jessica biel a good actress? i’ve never heard her speak, but if taylor swift can play joni mitchell, why not cast jessica as carly simon?
    i’m asking!

  13. She has an amazing body, but what the heck did she do to her face? -signed, not a fan of the jello face and double-slug lips popular in Hollywood today

  14. I think she looks good, but I don’t understand her dedication to a natural make-up look. She really needs more colour on her face; what she’s doing is a bit bland.

  15. I don’t know if or what plastic surgery she’s had; we’re not big tv watchers. But, I’ve seen her around at the market & stuff without any makeup on and she always looks fresh and pretty. She has a very nice complexion, and good bones.

  16. Yes, the outfit is breathtaking, especially if anyone nearby has asthma.

  17. pssssssst: a man’s got to do what’s he got to do.

  18. By Pippa Martin-St Onge
    On August 18, 2012 at

    “Jessica has the penis in the relationship”

    Seems a truth based on the picture of her clamping on a g/f’s ass! Similar to Whitney Houston and Hillary Clinton!

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