The Jackson family looked perfectly civil at Michael’s funeral but we hear that behind closed doors they’re furiously battling over money. Everybody wants to cash in and the brothers are at each other’s throats- with Jermaine’s ego turning into a huge problem. Shortly after Michael died, Steve Wynn offered the late Danny Gans’ empty Las Vegas showroom to the remaining Jackson brothers and wanted them to prepare a long running show. They could have taken in 80 million dollars just the first year if was a success. The brothers were psyched to do it but Jermaine decided HE should be paid WAY more than the others. Bickering ensued and Jermaine told shocked producers “ I am the next Michael Jackson and I will be paid accordingly!” Producers just laughed and gave up the whole idea. Timing IS important and last we heard the Jackson brothers were pitching their act to the small time lounges in Las Vegas.
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Michael was GOOD but he is over-rated. Way too much hype about him. He had not churned out a hit in years.
I thought only FAGGOTS “raipe” their brother………..
I wouldn’t walk across the street to see any of them for FREE!!
Jermaine Jackson has always ruined it for his brothers and his family!
Jermaine has always been the bad seed. he was always jealous and thought too highly of himself. Plus, he has no morals, just like an alley cat.
Jermaine always wants to be the center of attention. He doesn’t seem to be the type to care about anyone but himself.
So Jermaine is admitting to being a pedophile too?
What a dumbs___, shooting himself in the foot. And greedy, too.
what do you expect from a dude that would name his kid ‘Jermajesty’? That is some effed up shizz. Think about it.
Jermaine going to be the next Michael Jackson?!!! All these years, you mean to tell me that Jermaine’s been jealous of Michael’s career? I’ll never forget when Jermaine was involved with Randy’s wife!! 80 million dollars, split between the Jackson 5 equals 16 million each, and Jermaine put a monkey wrench in their plans. Wow how selfish can you be?!
This is for Jermaine Jackson, you will never be the next Michael Jackson. Listen those who achieve success are those who take a dream and make it come true and thats what Michael did. He(Michael) had said, he wanted to be a performer and that he was, sorry Jermaine that you had your mine on playing around on the women in your life and making all them babies. So beat it cause you had the same opportunity as Mike and you felled between the cracks of the business because you would never had made it by yourself with your vocals alone. Michael was a God-sent and he gave Michael the talent that he had to spread the love that we all so needed.
My God will this Dead beat please just do what he was doing before Michael Died just faded into the woodwork and be invisible and keep his big mouth shut. Oh by the way YOU DON’T HAVE ANY TALENT You just destroyed that song at your brother’s memorial service I’m surprised he didn’t raise up and smack you for trying to sing
Surely Jermaine has Alzheimer
I totally agree with “Sasha” & “Glenda” But “BB” You know nothing, Michael wasn’t a paedophile he was just caught in a greedy mans plan to rip MJ off, After the father killed himself the Kid came forward & confessed that he was “forced” by his Father.
Michael couldn’t/ wouldn’t hurt anyone & if you knew him like I do you would know that it’s just not possible.