Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

This is how Michelle Williams looked when she made an appearance in London at a screening of her movie “Blue Valentine” with Ryan Gosling. We’re surprised because at first we thought it was a middle-aged lady. Maybe it’s the dress combined with the white hair. The movie is about a couple struggling with their relationship over a number of years, so perhaps the look suits her character, but we miss the cute little Michelle.

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  1. Well, there goes the theory that blonde makes people look much better… right out the window.

  2. She’s always been awkward, and vaguely attractive at best. This is par…

  3. Michelle Williams is currently filming My Week With Marilyn, in which she plays Marilyn Monroe. Hence the weight gain and the ultra blonde hair. She looks beautiful, radiant even. Janet, I suggest you look at other photos from that night.

  4. Why look at other photos, this is the one they are showing and it’s not good. I guess she had a bad day.

  5. Who and why did they chose the dowdy Michelle to play Marilyn….they are almost the complete opposites. Get real, she looks horrible as a platinum blonde, and for sure looks like her mother or g-mother.

  6. That white hair really ages her. With a warmer shade of blonde, the dress would be retro-chic.

  7. She does look older but I suspect a lot of it is lighting. She will look great if this photo is any indication.

  8. Never liked her. She’s not a dynamic or good actress, plain looking and boring! But I bet she loves to hoover up those lines.

  9. Agree that she is no Marilyn. Just can NOT believe she was chosen to play the breasty, flirty actress. Ugghhh.

  10. You know, after looking at that photo, I have to say I think she really does look like Monroe. If you recall the early pictures of Marilyn, when she has no makeup on, Williams seems to have the same facial structure – that sort of Scandinavian pixie look.

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