Katie Holmes, 33, looked tired today. And she’s got a few grey hairs. You know what THAT means. Those pregnancy rumors just MIGHT be true. Her reps deny it, but we’ve heard THAT before. The big question is: How will Suri, now 6, react to the arrival of another child? Will she be outraged or welcoming? Does she realize she will be losing her position as the center of the universe for her parents? We predict it will take a LOT of adjustment for Suri to share parental attention with a sibling. But it’s just what she needs.
#SuriCruise #KatieHolmes #Pregnant

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Whatever, Janet. This all brings back the turkey baster discussions.

  2. BLACK, anal, blah, blah, Kardasian, anal, BLACK, anal, blah, blah, Kardasian, anal, island, gay, homo, jew, BLACK, anal, blah, blah, Kardasian, anal, money, enabler, island, fluids, bum, BLACK, anal, blah, blah, Kardasian, anal, money, enabler, island, fluids, bum, oh,, BLACK !

  3. Good idea, crap out another baby to put those tom cruise is gay rumors to bed. As if.

  4. Why does every post now have the #insert word here at the end of it? It’s driving me crazy.

  5. Wasn’t this hinted at being Nicole Kidman?

    “Our actress has had a plan from day 1. Not day 1 of her career, but day 1 of meeting another individual who became a central part of her life and changed her from someone warm and funny to the coldest person alive. He should know because he is the coldest man alive. He told her she needed a plan and in the first week they were together he made her list out hundreds of goals and objectives for herself. Everyday he drilled her on the goals and objectives and asked her what she had done about each one. The grillings could last hours and he hammered at her over and over. At first she was scared and wanted to leave but he kept her there. He basically turned her into a prisoner. She became a totally different person and became focused only on reaching those goals. Fun was removed from her life. Everything had to have a purpose. There is no wasted motion or effort. If you go outside, you have to have a reason. When you hit a red carpet, there are certain things you must do everytime. The dress you are going to wear should not be about the way it makes you feel, but the message you are trying to share or convey. Gestures are not random, they should all be planned. Touching yourself or your partner or not should be planned. ”



    If this is true, then Katie must be putty in his hands.

  6. L. Ron Hubbard is Suri’s daddy via his frozen s…m. The next kid will be the same. Katie does exactly what tiny Tom says, and if it’s not his way, it’s the highway.

  7. I remember way back when, Tom’s first wife told us all that he was sterile. He didn’t impregnate her, he didn’t impregnate Nicole, but all of a sudden he’s so fertile? Uh huh, and the moon is made of green cheese

  8. It’s always bugged me that Katie Holmes took risks while she was pregnant. While quite pregnant, Katie Holmes ice skated and rode on a motorcycle. It always made me wonder if she was really pregnant.

  9. Suri freaks me the hell out. I have serious doubts that she’ll be a normal adult person.

    Make her wear a coat in winter for cripe’s sake and for the love of Arthur, comb her hair once in a while!

  10. Tiny Tom Thumb + Scientology = a deadly combo which causes premature aging.

  11. Everybody has an off day, we’re all human, but that’s what 33 looks like? And a 33-year-old who has access to every nutritional/fitness/youth-enhancing benefit? Yikes.

  12. For those that think anyone else is the father of Suri, google Tommy Davis images and tell me that is not that child’s bio dad. They look exactly alike.

  13. Dragonfly, Wow. There is a very close resemblance. You may have something there.

  14. Tom Thumb has been said to be infertile since he was married to Mimi Rogers-that’s supposedly why they got a divorce. Then he marries Nicole Kidman. “We adopted becuase we didn’t want to wait to have our own”. Yeah, right. Who in the world believed that?! Then he and Nicole separated while she was pregnant and divorced. (She was said to later miscarry) When asked about the separation/divorce, he said “Nicole knows what she did”. This is all so transparent and so orchestrated by the goons behind scientology. The reason Katie looks so old and worn out is because of the stress of dealing with Tom Thumb, scientology and living a huge lie. By now she should be regretting the deal she made with the devil-aka Tom Thumb and scientology. Too bad, everybody tried to tell her and she wouldn’t listen.

  15. Katie does look haggard. Suri will have a rude awakening when she’s not the baby any more.

  16. Katie was never that good looking to begin with. I wish I has an iota of any money she has now. and she will live in the lap of luxury until she is 110 if she divorces him she will get money.

  17. BTW, maybe Tom wasn’t totally sterile? it only takes one sperm to get someone pregnant, and Suri is it. I find it odd they haven’t had more kids by now which makes me wonder maybe he does have a sperm problem.

  18. or maybe they found a male sperm donor who looks very much like Tom?

  19. Suri does look like that Tommy Davis. I just Wikipeded his picture and I agree. Could it be? I always heard Tom shot blanks but that little girl looks just like TD…
    I also remember when TC dumped Nicole he did say “Nic knows what she did” If she was pregs who was the father?

  20. And here’s a comment about Suri’s feet: what’s up with them? Is the photo distorted, or does Suri really have jumbo feet? Yikes!

  21. Yeah, Chris Klein would make sense in terms of how sudden and rushed her relationship with Tom seemed to be, straight from one to the other before the one was done. But I don’t see any resemblance.

    Now, this Tommy Davis guy, on the other hand, seems to have the same head shape and eyes and really does in general bear an uncanny resemblance… and I guess it would make sense given where his, er, religious proclivities lie.

  22. Suri looks a lot like both Tommy Davis and Chris Klein. Davis seems smarter, but Klein isn’t a cult member.

    Katie used to belong to the cult of Catholicism, but is sounds like she’s moved over to Scientology. Weird, sad.

    Stop ragging on how “bad” Katie looks. She’s obviously tired, makeup-free, and in horrible lighting. How would you look?

  23. I too looked up Tommy Davis and there is a resemblence. I also did some research on him while I was at it. He’s the son of another looney scientologist Ann Archer and he’s displayed some “interesting” behavior in the past and in interviews. He’s said he and his family are so rich (due to real estate dealings by his real estate investor father) that he never has to work a day in his life. I guess he devotes all his time and energy to the cult. At any rate, the last thing I saw on the web says he hasn’t been seen lately and may be in detention, time out, punishment or whatever the weirdo David Miscavige has deemed appropriate. The more I read about the cult, the worse it gets. Also they’ve been grossly inflating their membership for many years. I wish they’d all go away and be disbanded.

  24. Tommy Davis bears a strong resemblance, in my opinion, to Tom Cruise, so I wouldn’t assume he is the father.

    And Kitty, did you mean disemboweled rather than disbanded? ‘cuz I kind of like the idea of disemboweling this group of fruit loops.

  25. Katies not prenant and it looks like it will never happen!

  26. They have a Beautiful Daughter and… It looks like that is it for Katies..Because for woman it is painful to have a child and most of all it takes a real toll on a womans body and that is the reason she is never going to have more then one child!

  27. They have a Beautiful Daughter and… It looks like that is it for Katies..Because for woman it is painful to have a child and most of all it takes a real toll on a womans body and that is the reason she is never going to have more then one child! If I was Tom Cruise! I would pay other woman to have more children for me and that way…I can have a son down the road..This man is supper rich and does not have to stop at just one!

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