Meg Ryan, 49, has found herself an older man! Suddenly she and John Mellencamp, 59, are all over New York together, just days after John announced he and his wife Elaine are divorcing. Of course, they’re insisting they’re just good friends. They HAVE known each other for a few years, and it makes one wonder if Meg had anything to do with the divorce. She’s been seen backstage at his last few concerts so who knows how long this has been going on. They make kind of a cute couple – only she’s a lot cuter than he is.
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I have always hated her. No wonder she’s a slut who steals other women’s husbands.
Long enough to make Elaine Mellencamp ill!
Meg helped break up Russell Crowe’s live in relationship to his now wife Danielle and helped to break up Susan Sarandon’s relationship with Tim Robbins, I think Meg is giving Angelina Jolie a run for her money!
Janet if by ‘cuter’ you mean had more plastic surgery and totally f**ked up her face than him, then yes I agree with you.
………..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long, folks!!
Now this is a couple I don’t believe anyone saw happening.
She must be using her bee sting lips to toss their salads but who cares no one marries her.
She will get what’s coming to her I do believe. Once is forgivable, but to make a pattern of “latching on” to married men is not cool. I say “latching on” because I don’t believe a husband can be stole if there isn’t problems already. But for a woman to continually make herself available to these spineless men is kind of sick and pitiful!!
side note: MR looks like The Joker.
John had a heart attack a few years ago. I don’t know which is worse for his health..Hooking up with that slut or smoking the cigarettes.
They are both revolting, but she is more so. Can she never get a man on her own, she always has to get with a married one? Her “sweetheart” roles were clearly just that, roles, cause in real life she is a horrid person. She destroyed her face, she’s quite ugly now, inside and out.
Interesting. I had read that it was Mellencamp’s wife that had strayed for awhile and not Mellencamp.
I wouldn’t blame the wife stepping out on him because he obviously didn’t learn his lesson with cigarettes, stinky breath, clothes, & heart attack.
This is a cheaters nest gone public…….Quaid was the original cheater in that triangle. Mellencamp is a long known cheater….who left his 1st wife for his second. Elaine, I believe did not break up a triangle. But cheating is generational…just like alcoholism. If a person’s parent was a cheater, unless the child knows this and deals with it (yes, counseling) cheating continues on….and on….
That man is an incredible singer and his music is so very wonderful.
Relationship as friends it seems to me and when some one gets a Divorce it means they are not Happy.
Divorce is sad but some times people get sick of each other and people change and go in other directions and lets face facts the longer you stay married the longer you have to pay.
It is best to end it fast and settle and not have to worry about it later and go on with your life without your wife and all your times becomes yours without your wife in that time range.
A Divorce only takes 91 days and it could end and freedom from the relationship and being able to do what you want to do is so wonderful and when you divorce that means you don’t have to be there for them any more and that gives you time for yourself.
Ending a relationship is getting stress and drama out of your life and nolonger sharing the home and sharing the time and having to listen to all there craps comes to an end..Reason number one don’t stick around and fight over this and that just let them have what they want and start new after they are gone.
Hanging on to a relationship is a major waste of time…stress and tention and problems and frustration and…As a man you don’t need the hurt and pain and drama at the end of the day.
Get ready to father yourself and think about yourself and be selfish and take care of yourself and no one at home to frustrate you or follow you around and tell you what to do and pieceful and nice and no big mouth problem pushing person to come home to.
Take away the worry and just have a pieceful and calm day and not have some one telling you what to do and some one harassment of another person or verble abuse from another person and passion is lost when the relationship ends and it is better to just start over with your life.
Start fresh and start new and in life your know what to do and live free as a bird and do what ever you want and relax and come home to piece and privacy and warmth.
in the name of Jesus i pray psalms 38 over john. i pray a hedge of thorns to stand between john and meg. i pray they depart and become no more. i pray that john get off the merry go round and come out of the park. i pray the meg realizes she cant have what doesnt belong to her. i pray for peace for elaine and children. thank you jesus amen
Looney Tune posts
Hey star wonder, guess that hedge never came up and Jesus NEVER listened to you. That’s because JESES is OKAY with this relationship. hahaha!