Barbra Streisand has no intention of letting “Little Fockers” become a significant part of her legacy. She’s acquiring the rights to do a remake of Gypsy – the Broadway musical that was turned into a movie in 1962 with Rosalind Russell and Natalie Wood. She’ll play the Mama Rose stage mother character who belts out the biggest songs. Whether she will direct also remains to be seen, but observers think she will “soften” the shrill and bossy Mama Rose role into a more likeable character.

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  1. Years ago,I went to see the Faye Dunaway/Tommy Lee Jones movie,”The Eyes of Laura Mars”. At the end of the film, Barbra’s voice was singing the song “Prisoner”.As people were leaving the theater it was like an instant halt hearing that magnificent voice. Barbra’s fans will always welcome any performance that she offer whether it be directing, acting, or singing.

  2. Not quite, Leo! Get a shot of the side of her face she wont let be photographed and its like 40 miles of bad road. The Yids go crazy in support of each other, which is why Neil Diamond has always been a top earner but most people have gotten long past Babs. especially when they say the greed in the last ticket prices for the ones who were interested.

  3. Since she got her latest facelift we are stuck with seeing more of her.

  4. I wish she would wait to make a movie musical until she finds the right vehicle. I don’t think Mama Rose is a good fit for her. She’s too old at this point and won’t agree to all kinds of concessions she’ll need to do the part justice, like allow unflattering camera angles. Vocally, there’s no one better but this part requires other qualities.

  5. Wouldn’t perhaps a third installment of the Fanny Brice story be more age-appropriate for Babs?

    “Funny Grandma” anyone?

  6. And dee cee your comment made me want to see the film again. Rosalind was tops. 🙂

  7. miss russell was not “tops”.
    she could not sing.
    she was less than volcanic and the film looked cheap & sh*tty.
    miss midler in the tv film was the greatest.

  8. Didn’t see it. But the fact that so many rabid Bette fans revere her performance in the role should have been enough to encourage Streisand to steer clear of it.

    As it is, I agree that she is too old to be believable…

    unless Meryl Streep is cast as her daughter—Gypsy Rose.

  9. Babs has always viewed plastic surgery as an unnecessary evil although aging and the inevitable lack of decent roles that process entails may result in softening her stance somewhat. As far as anyone knows, the only procedure she’s had to date is modifying (reducing) the size of the bump in the middle of her nose – and that was decades ago. Catch her on the street minus any tape pulling her face back, or turtleneck top hiding her sagging neck, or camera gauze obscuring the lines in her face, and it’s obvious she’s not had a face lift.

  10. I agree, this role or movie is NOT for her persona. Her singing type is also not the right kind of sound for this movie, even as beautiful as she sings. The mother doesn’t sing beautifully, but strongly, aggressively.
    The version with Natalie Wood as the daughte gets my vote and was fantastic in all the parts. It doesn’t NEED to be remade, by ANYBODY! What the HELL is WRONG with Hollywood anyway? Create something NEW and wonderful and leave the beloved classics ALONE!!!!!

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