“Inbglourious Basterds”

chris waltz columbo

Peter Falk might be amused to see that certain characteristics of his TV detective character “Columbo” live ON in the form of a Nazi! Quentin Tarantino’s new WWII movie “Inglourious Basterds” is a huge surprise- it’s not just a war movie. In fact, there’s gore, but very few fighting scenes. There are laughs, and lots of tension – mostly created by German actor Christoph Waltz’s malevolent Nazi character Hans Landa. This Nazi considers himself a detective and terrifies his prey – first, with innocent and charming chatter. Just when you think the inquisition is OVER, Landa innocently turns, like Columbo, and says “Oh there’s one more thing….” and someone’s doom is sealed. He operates like an evil version of Columbo’s bumbling but brilliant detective. Even if you have reservations, you’re going to be surprised how much you like this entertaining movie. Tarantino’s war is nothing like the real one was.

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  1. I won’t see it. I don’t support Brad Pitt OR Angelina Jolie movies. After then both screwing around while he was a married man whom eveybody thought loved his wife, them breaking up that marraige to get with this brother-tongueing blood wearing baby buying anorexic freak, no thanks to BOTH of them, they both have no class or morals. Obviously, they just keep having kids without being married, I wonder, if marraige was good enough for Jennifer Aniston why he can’t even marry the mother of his children? NOT a very classy move.

    NOPE…not interested in these famewhores.

  2. @ Reta: Brad and Angelina are living in sin. You said: “If marriage was good enough for Jennifer Aniston why he can’t even marry the mother of his children”. Yet, I remember under the subject of Justin Timerlake and Jessica Biel, you bashed someone for stating that Justin and Jessica are living in sin. What is the difference (in your opinion_ that you bashed Brad and Ang for shacking, yet you bashed the poster that said Justin and Jessica were living in sin. (keep scroling down for refresher about Jessica and Justin). Forget about the # of kids that Angelina bought, this question is about why you thought it was BAD for Brad and Angelina to shack, but it was OK for Justin and Jessica to shack.

  3. Dumbass, “shacking up” is a 1950’s term I believe, and isn’t THIS TWO THOUSAND NINE???
    Mypoint is, I don’t care one whit if ANYBODY lives together in this day and age, but if you’re going to have CHILDREN….AND you married previously (even tho you cheated, it shows you believed in marraige at some point) and that at the very least, the children deserve married parents. Grow up, and keep “sin” and “God” out of the equation, it has nothing to do with human relationships. I just think legally and morally the kids deserve married parents that give a shit and can’t or won’t just walk away at the dropping of a hat, not that married people can’t do that just as well. I just think if you’re going to have kids, bother to get married, for THEIR sake, for their legal rights.

  4. there is one nazi indeed here:
    THIS DISGUSTING SPERMLOVER: quentin tsrantino!!

  5. If QT’s war is different then the real one why would I want to see it? Don’t mess with history.

  6. The repulsive violence in this movie totally cancels out any other redeeming qualities it may have. When will we understand that glorifying acts like that on the movie screen only creates repeated acts of copycat crazy violence in real life?

  7. Janet,

    When did your career segue from accomplished Hollywood gossip reporter to movie critic? Please stop reviewing movies on this site or I will look elsewhere.

  8. Queertin Tararipoff can only make movies based off of other movies. But that’s typical of hollywood stealing from others. Queertin is a pro at it. Hope the piece of shiite ahole dies along with Oliver Stoner by Oding on drugs.

  9. I can’t wait to see this movie. I’ve enjoyed Tarantino’s and Pitt’s movies in the past. The two working together? I’m there.

  10. I Know all about world war two and my grandfather fight in that war and of course it is a major part of history and every one in the world is torched to a large degree but Holly Wood needs to slow down and move on to another time in life and look at other directions like an great idea would be looking at men..Who could not fight in the war and cheating wives and How they needed to get there groove on and how they had affairs would be nice to look at.

  11. Casonia...Britney Music is over looked Outrageous should be longer and Haunted should be longer with a tender version started off and then add to it? It would be a real prize to fight over a concert on Hell kitchen says:


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