Viewers were outraged today when Geraldo Rivera stated on “Fox and Friends” that he thought “the hoodie he wore was as much responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman was.” Of course this IS a questionable choice of words and George Zimmerman appears to be guilty of murder, but the hoodie MAY have played a part in his death. Geraldo said “It’s common sense for minorities to avoid wearing hoodies.” He believes parents should NOT allow their kids to go out wearing hoodies. He said “It’s those crime surveillance tapes – every time you see someone sticking up a 7-11, the kid is wearing a hoodie. Kids that look like gangsters will be treated like gangsters.” Rivera stressed that seventeen year old Martin was innocent and didn’t deserve to die. He hopes this issue will enlighten parents. We totally see Geraldo’s point. Did you know hoodies are banned at all events where President Obama makes an appearance?



  1. JC, are you writing this or do you have someone else writing your items?

    I expect more from you, JC.

  2. I live about 45 minutes from Sanford, FL. I will tell you my heart breaks for this family. Mr. Zimmerman is guilty of killing a CHILD in COLD BLOOD. Do not paint those of us who live in Florida as racist bigots who believe that a stupid hoodie killed this child <Jeraldo get a life…I'm a grandmother and wear a hoodie at times. When all is said and done, Florida will do the right thing and charge the monster who did this horrific act.

  3. I am far from a bigot and I’m sure this young man didn’t ask for what he got.

    HOWEVER, there is nothing wrong with Geraldo or anyone else suggesting ways parents can help their children be safer, and that includes girls who walk around in public in seductive clothing. No, these kids aren’t “asking for it.” But are they more likely to “get it” than a kid dressed less provocatively? Absolutely. So parents, choose your poison. There are ways to keep your kids safer.

    I’d also like to point out that if this much outrage was shown about black-on-black crime, perhaps there wouldn’t be so damn much of it. African Americans have plenty of problems of their very own making that never, ever reach this level of outrage.

  4. Anything Geraldo says is to be disregarded as self absorbed, blather.

  5. The crime rate has gone up tremendously in my area in the last six months or so. There is a site that keeps stats and the articles, and I can tell you that at least 98% of the robberies/shootings/carjackings etc. are done by black men wearing black hoodies. Racial profiling? Not if it’s reality … I can’t stand Geraldo but I agree with him in this case. In nearby Oakland, CA they have riots every single time a black person is shot by a cop (self defense) but there are killings daily of black on black crime and even little kids/babies being shot, and they don’t blink an eye. Janet is right!

  6. The hoodie isn’t the problem. He probably would have been shot if he was wearing a polo t-shirt. He was a young black male in an area that doesn’t have very many of them.

    There are so many problems with the discourse surrounding this murder. If a black male dressed like Zimmerman had done this to a white youth dressed like Martin, he would have been charged with murder. No amount of discussion regarding appropriate dress for black youths can tell hide that.

    Sadly, no one cares about black on black crime, other than the people who run the risk of being accidentally in the line of fire. But they dare not speak up in their own communities for fear.

  7. @Nicola,

    “Sadly, no one cares about black on black crime …”.

    Who is supposed to care about black-on-black crime if blacks don’t? At some point, the problems in the black community must be addressed by the people living there. Who better to address them?

    It’s a distraction to get all wrapped up in this Martin child’s tragedy. Fact is, racism exists, and it goes both ways. Blacks would be much better off taking all this energy they’re expending on white-on-black crime and directing it at black-on-black crime and problems within their own communities.

    Yelling about white racism isn’t getting the job done, folks. Focus on real problems and not the occasional distraction, as tragic as it certainly is.

  8. Janet you are a disgusting closet racist, I have read enough posts on here to know now what you really think of minorities. You are an ugly dried up old white woman so out of touch! This is about profiling and racism, this country is not as sophisticated as is it would like us to believe. We are a primitive people who has not advanced much. My heart bleeds for such a beautiful young man taken much too soon and I can only hope it won’t be in vain.

    I guess all college students rocking their college hoodies should be living in fear!

  9. Oh yes Janet. I so agree. He was just asking for it with the hoodie. Much like the immoral dress of our young ladies these days who wear skirts up to their motherhood. The world is their gynecologist. And the skimpy tops showing their dirty pillows.

    No wonder rape is so prevalent now. These people are just asking for it with their manner of dress. Your common sense approach to today’s problems is refreshing.

  10. I sort of agree with Frankly My Dear. For months I have noticed how JC always has negative coverage or remarks to make about black celebrities–coverage that sometimes even rise to the level of racism IMO. It has made me uncomfortable to the degree that I dread to read what she writes when the subject is a black person. I know that gossip is often negative but for it to be 99.9% negative when mentioning a black person is odd.

  11. Look, I’m as bleeding heart liberal as they come. I’ve cussed out Strom and dissed Janet for not deleting his racist rants. I have friends of all races and have dated interracially.

    That said, if I see a youth, black white latin asian with a hoodie on, I cross the damn street. I don’t trust anybody wearing a fucking hoodie! Its fact that crooks of all races use the infamous hoodies to hide their faces and sad to say, black crooks and hoodies go hand in had. That bastard Zimmerman killed the kid in cold blood. Dunno if he would have killed the kid if the kid was just wearing a polo shirt.

  12. GR is not know for his intellect that is why he is on FOX which is geared toward bigotry and those with low IQ’s.

    Remember JC posted that Reagan was our best president.LOL. The man who began the massive privatization of this country that was the start of letting corporate America run wild and steal from the working people.

    90%of violent crime is committed by males(rape, murder, incest etc) why not call for a ban on anyone wearing pants? It would make more sense.

    Let’s look at the real issues here of racism and violence in America instead of blaming something so trivial as a clothing choice to distract from the core issues on how this country was founded. Inequality, greed, violence, and killing (American Indians) until we address those issues nothing is going to change.

  13. I don’t agree w/ Geraldo — BUT, banks around here DO ask customers to take off their sunglasses AND remove hats and hoods from hoodies before approaching a teller. Still, this child was killed in cold blood by a seriously f-ed up, wanna-be-but-not-smart-enough-to-be-cop. It breaks my heart.

  14. Oh and as far as Obama banning hoodies…what can you expect. He is not nor has he ever been for working people(black or white). He went to the most elite private school in Hawaii, took money from the Nuclear industry to water down his bills when he was in the Senate and got more campaign money from the Financial Industry than any other candidate(the same industry that has made trillions while causing the current financial crisis for working people). Proof positive that race has little if anything to do with greed. He is just another corporate hack.

  15. Hoodies or no Hoodies, the root of the problem is RACISM–Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.

  16. Mel, you’re 100% right. Nicola, you are dead on. I just moved from one of the worst streets in my town according to the local sheriffs, where I managed the apartments where I lived for the last 9 of the 11 years I lived there. I was a white face in a sea of blacks mostly, and the building next door to me had drug dealers blatently selling drugs in plain sight in the front yard night and day, and using too. I called the cops constantly trying to make a change and trying to keep from living in “the ghetto” and became severely insomniac due to having to be on guard all night when all the real action went down.

    I had all my window broken out 3 times by bricks (thankfully, I was upstairs which gave me some safety), and twice I had bullets come thru my walls and do damage inside.

    Two weeks before I moved out a man in the building next door was shot five times. Two days before I moved out a man was stabbed but lived. There were helicopters overhead nearly every night, and the street ends getting blocked so we couldn’t even get into out own building.

    MY building had NO drug or gang activity because I screened them correctly. The cops told me they wished they could clone me and put me in all the apartment buildings, because I was EFECTIVE and CARED about my surroundings. I truly tried for 11 years to make a change there before giving up too and leaving for a safer place (believe it or not, only three long blocks away) where I haven’t heard a gunshot once, or loud booming “music” from passing cars.

    My sister is a cop in LA and pulls those cars over and searches them for “wants and warrants” which she says usually do lead to either or both, and when the cars are serched, she finds drugs. It all fits together like a hand in a glove. Common sense.

    The “hoodie” IS a known apparel of robbers and crooks, as is the ass baring pants phenom. Watch “Cops” anytime and you’ll see the fools tripping over their own pants trying to run from the cops.

    The problem is social, economical, and how the generations are being raised. Believe me, I saw a whole lotta shit in 11 years! A body shoved into a porta-potty at a construction site down the street where a little house was being built. No body on the street blinked and the young mothers calmly pushed their babies down the street in their umbrella strollers.

    THIS particular child WAS absolutely murdered and FOR his race, the hoodie was a convenient excuse that happens to have truth behind it, but if you’ve heard the 911 call, of the boy screaming to death, AND this murderer and his crazy blatherings, it’s a national disgrace that this creep is walking around loose. As bad as OJ going free, or Casey Anthony. Sometimes the whole world can plainly see the real truth, but the ones who make to real decisions in the ends seems to have their brains suddenly stolen by robot martians that have snuck in thru their ears when they were sleeping. It’s the only excuse for these nonsense decisions that makes any sense!

    PS: sorry this is so long…racism is a HUGE pet peeve of mine as most of you should already know. So is unfairness of any kind.

  17. Hoodie or No hoodie, Trayvon Martin was Never a threat to Zimmerman. It is my understanding that according to the Neighborhood Watch that Zimmerman represented,he was Not supposed to even have a gun. Make No mistake, over the years this trigger happy loose cannon has called more than 45 times in recent months to 911 and had become a Nuisance making trivial calls of children playing, potholes in the streets and etc. This topic may be about children wearing a hoodie, but with or without that hoodie a 17 year old teen was shot and killed. The person who killed that child was Never arrested, the child who was killed was given a drug and alcohol test but Not the person who killed him. If it was Not for the release of the 911 tapes indicating that Zimmerman was told Not to follow him, there could be a (possible) argument about Zimmerman following him and then killing him, but Zimmerman called 911 and was told by 911 Not to follow him. Zimmerman followed him and Trayvon Martin ended up first in the morgue and is Now 6 feet under while Zimmerman is still a free agent with a gun in his possession.
    Through their grief, his parents have symbolized a union of two people who do Not display militant behavior. It has got to be very difficult to try to remain sane under the circumstances of losing a child while still trying to carry on as a family. Through it all The Martins have exhibited a calm with quiet dignity and grace while having to bury their son and carry on the fight for justice that he deserves. A voice for Trayvon Martin is a voice for other youths with or without a hoodie who could end up being confronted by an over zealous renegade who called for assistance and ended up taking matters into his own hands. Bill Cosby’s son Ennis was Not wearing a hoodie when he was shot dead while changing a flat tire. Michael Jordan’s 56 year old father was Not wearing a hoodie when he was shot to death while taking a nap at a rest stop. Rodney King was Not wearing a hoodie when he was pulled out of his car and brutally beaten while it was all caught on tape, and the public was told that the tape did Not tell the whole story. Geraldo Rivera was Not wearing a hoodie when he got his Nose broke on his (own) show back in the 90’s when he got into a confrontation with a group of out of control guest.
    Dare I say it!!
    Trayvon wore a hoodie, got his treats from the 7-11 and survived it. He makes it almost home alone with the anticipation of continuing to watch a basketball tournament on television and ends up dead a few yards from his father’s house, killed by a Neighborhood Watchman who was told Not to follow him. Hoodie or No hoodie where is the justice??

  18. Armed citizen is to blame a country that allows guns in public is crazy and even hear mention to allow guns in bars, Yes America totally crazy …

  19. Hilary, that kid was not in a bank conducting business.
    He was walking in his own neighborhood wearing clothing every other normal kid wears.

  20. If there were no hoodies, would there be no more crime? The absurdity of “blame the hoodie” is just another FOX News idiocy, and Geraldo should be embarrassed by it. If Trayvon weren’t wearing a hoodie, would Zimmerman not have HUNTED him down while carrying a gun? Changes are, yes, he would have…because Trayvon was BLACK. Maybe we should tell all black people to stop being black. That’s as logical an answer as telling people what to wear so not to be shot while walking home with Skittles and an iced tea.

    Ms. Charlton, I’ll ask you one thing…and if you answer yes, I will believe you. When you go out wearing a short skirt and top that shows some cleavage, are you asking to get raped? As soon as you, as a Hollywood gossip columnist, rally against actresses and celebrities wearing little or nothing by telling them they deserved to get raped, then I’ll buy this ridiculous hoodie argument. Until then I suggest you think a little bit deeper about what you write.

  21. I don’t think anybody is saying that just because somebody is wearing a hoodie that makes them a criminal. It’s just that the majority of people who plan to do a crime are hiding inside a hoodie to make them harder to recognize.

  22. So Janet, then can we assume you are a hooker if you wear low cut dresses and therefore not be prosecuted if we guys make blatent physical overtures to you? Maybe we should ban suggestive clothing for you ladies? And you are aware Geraldo is pictured at a basketball game wearing a hoodie, aren’t you? Wow, for someone who is supposed to be open minded, you have a closed biased one here. Please rethink this and retrack you statement if you want to begin to regain the respect of many of your readers.

  23. Why is it that there is always a national outcry one the rare instance that someone who isn’t black shoots another black?

    Chicago, hometown of our politically biased president, has numerous black on black murders yet we don’t see the President, Jessie Jackass or Al Sharpton there holding protests.

    It goes to show you just how ethically and morally broken blacks are were they will turn a blind eye to their own crime but use non black on black crime for their own political use. What good has it done for blacks in this country?

    Liberal policies, and yes this is a liberal creation, have destroyed black folks. Obama wading into this will end up biting him in his mulatto ass as people with common sense see this is only a race issue because blacks are the ones being the racists.

  24. I am a 27 year old white woman and I wear hoodies several days a week. As a high school teacher seeing over 400 kids a day the majority of my students are dressed in h

  25. I am a 27 year old white woman and I wear hoodies several days a week. As a high school teacher seeing over 400 kids a day the majority of my students are dressed in hoodies- male and female. Most of these hoodies are schoil issued from clubs, teams, spirit activities and fundraisers. Many of my own hoodies are remnants from my own high school and college days. To suggest that this young man was rightfully killed for his apparel is racist and distasteful. If this young man had been white would he have been followed by this man? The fact that Zimmerman has a long documented history of bigoted behavior and was specifically told by 911 to not follow Martin indicates a personal vendetta not a sense of obligation. His obligation ended the moment he reported Martin to 911. Private citizens are not members of the police force and may not take those duties upon themselves.

    Janet I am ashamed and embarrassed to call myself a reader of your site. You who fight so tirelessly for animals would be so dismissive of the life of a HUMAN child- a young man on the cusp of his life who has a pristine record. I only hope that you too are ashamed of yourself. As for me, this is the last time I visit this site. I refuse to support such racist and bigoted attitudes in thIs day and age.

  26. Why is Obama and his minions, sharpton, farrakhan et al trying to incite a Latino Black race war.. …Could it be to distract from his failed policies or to then clamp down on what’s left of our Freedoms…don’t let them BAIT us…..STAY UNITED.

  27. Dunno if Janet is having this stance for stats or if she’s a liberal who one day got mugged by a kid in a hoodie all I know is she has let Strom run and ruin this site with his racist rants but she deleted my pro-fur post on a anti-fur thread. I call that Cali-Phony.

    Many whites are racist deep down, the older ones, like Janet, were raised back in the 40’s and 50’s -can you imagine the racist bullshit they were served by their parents and grandparents.

    That said, the black community has lots of work to do! For one, the men need to marry the women. The women, who are raising the kids, need to train them better. I hate to ride the bus with black kids- for the most part they are fucking out of control but thats what happens with three generations of fatherlessness!

    Fact is many black young are thugs and crooks and that good kid paid for the sins of the bad black kids. Zimmerman should be jailed and if that was my kin he killed in cold blood, I’d be down in Florida hunting him like the animal he is. He needs to be put down like a rabid pit bull.

  28. Well said,”Aisling”

    A hoodie, is a sweater with a hood! Nothing more or less. My children, grandchildren as well as myself all wear hoodies. My grandsons have hockey hoodies.

    Because everyone doesn’t dress like Geraldo or Janet doesn’t mean they are up to no good.

    I’m glad that the posters are finally calling Janet out. It’s about time!!

  29. Wear a hoodie you stupid jackasses! It may get you shot but at least you’ll look gangsta and be warm while you’re bleeding to death in the gutter.

  30. By JanC
    On March 23, 2012 at


    “Sadly, no one cares about black on black crime …”.

    Who is supposed to care about black-on-black crime if blacks don’t? At some point, the problems in the black community must be addressed by the people living there. Who better to address them?

    It’s a distraction to get all wrapped up in this Martin child’s tragedy. Fact is, racism exists, and it goes both ways. Blacks would be much better off taking all this energy they’re expending on white-on-black crime and directing it at black-on-black crime and problems within their own communities.

    Yelling about white racism isn’t getting the job done, folks. Focus on real problems and not the occasional distraction, as tragic as it certainly is.

    Correcto…..everyone I think understands this was wrong and the case of a loose cannon with a gun, not much different than many of our TSA cops. It is a tragedy for the child and his family, I am the first to sat. Black on black crime is as wrong as any type, but the fact that many in the black community want to look past it or enable it for their own purpose means it will likely not go away.

    As to some of the PC’ers don’t use my name here unless you can back it up with facts where I was wrong, and I doubt very much you can.

    We need the first black President, and not Herman Cain telling the blacks to quit complaining and get a job, but that is not a step ex community organizers take.

  31. I don’t think the issue is wearing hoodies. Wearing hoodies over your head, instead of hanging down your back draws suspicion.

    I don’t think this advice has anything to do with minorities. Adults are easily intimidated by teens and this is often based on attire as much as demeanour. In many schools in my city, students are not allowed to wear hoods, hats or bandanas. (Hijabs are excluded of course, but they do not obscure the face.) All this headgear allows kids to retreat from social interactions. They need to learn how to look strangers in the eye and say or nod a polite “hello”. Putting up barriers draws suspicions and suspicions cultivate conflict.

    Summary: good advice if you don’t confine it to minorities
    This whole diatribe of mine has nothing to do with Trayvon, because I know nothing about that case which is just starting to get covered in my country.

  32. Rivera Facts:

    Rivera has been married five times and has fathered five children.

    Alleged to have married his first wife, Linda Coblentz, in part to avoid the Vietnam War draft.

    His ex-wife, Edie Vonnegut, is Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s daughter.

    Geraldo Rivera and Erica Levy welcomed their daughter, Solita Liliana, on August 2, 2005. He was 62, and she was 30 at the time of Sol’s birth. This was his fifth child and third daughter, while it was her first and only child.

    His son Gabe Rivera married Dr. Deborah Rish in May 2009. Thus, Gabe is the son-in-law of one of the doctors who investigated Michael Jackson in Jackson’s 1993 criminal case.

  33. Geraldo can make all the headlines that he wants, but the fact remains,with or without a hoodie, with or without designer sneakers, with or without a chance, Trayvon Martin’s parents will Never celebrate his 18th birthday.
    I can read and easily appreciate other opinions, but at the end of yesterday,today, and tomorrow the one truth that can Not be challenged is Trayvon Martin’s killer was told Not to follow him. Zimmerman followed him anyway. My opinion may Not count,but I believe that Trayvon felt more threatened by gun toting predator Zimmerman than Zimmerman ever felt threatened by Trayvon. By all indications, we will Never know the truth about this case because the one person who could have shined the light on this devastation is No longer alive to tell the truth of what happened that Night that his life ended.
    The Black Panther Now entering the picture by offering a $10,000 bounty on Zimmerman is Not helping at all. If anything The BP worming their way into this controversy is Not what (*I believe) The Martin Family want to be a part of their son’s tragedy!!

  34. It’s REta’s birthday?
    How old are you now?
    Pussy still workin properly?
    Or all cobwebby and dusty?

  35. Really Janet? How DARE YOU? Clothing is made for ALL people, not just white people. I see white men and women jogging, running, being with friends, all hoodied up. Your suggestion to this is ridiculous. Why don’t you call your celebrity buddies and start a new line of “Safe Black Clothing” just for young black men. That way, if they’re shot wearing the “safe” stuff, cops will automatically be prosecuted.

    Who knew you were just as asinine as Geraldo?

  36. Wow!!All this time I though that maybe I was miss reading your remarks when it comes to black people, but it was finally confirm to me by your remarks, that you are a very ignorant and racist person. I feel sorry for you, you are missing out on life.

  37. The victim was kicked out of school recently., but seemed to think wandering around at night while on probation is okay.. makes you wonder.. A black political group offered a $10,000 reward Saturday for the killer of an African-American teenager, amid a nationwide uproar which has prompted a rethink of America’s race issues. Dead or alive.. they don’t believe he can get justice.. so they will become judge and jury.. Just last year, 2 white British tourists who wandered into the wrong neighborhood at night in Sarasota, FL were killed execution-style by a 16-year-old black kid. Not robbed. Just executed for coming into his neighborhood.
    Trial is going on this week.
    Where was Rev. Al and Jesse then? Well, in THIS case the shooter isn’t really white.. and he has many black relatives.. Zimmerman was a community organizer like President Obama.. There are several hundred Trayvons murdered every day by several hundred black thugs. No Million Hoodie Marches. No Jesses. No Sharptons. No presidential press conferences. No news media.
    How much press is being given to the kid in Kansas who was set on fire by some African American youth, for being white? None.

    This whole thing is a tragedy, but the way it has turned into a political weapon against pigment challenged people is ridiculous.

    Sympathies to this boy’s family. It is a tragedy to have your loved one’s death reduced to a political football.
    Why not? They want us to hate each other and stay fearful, unsettled.. there are two laws now.. wickedly decided by race and political gain.. I pity all the poor people caught in the middle, manipulated by so many unsavory, smarmy and crooked politicians..

  38. Hoodies are available everywhere all the time in every color- if they shouldn’t be worn then clothing companies should stop selling them. Obama probably has a dress code for his events- goodies are very casual like warmup gear- but that being said- teaching our kids how to carry themselves and conduct themselves is our main goal. Wearing a hoodie is not going to save you from a racist hot head with a gun.

  39. Ha the DD Lion seems to have hit this one on the head! All these killings are wrong and where is the outrage of that?

  40. Information ignored by the msm and newsmen in their effort to ramp up the hysteria surrounding this case.

    Trayvon was on school suspension.

    The picture presented to the msm was of Trayvon as a 13 year old.

    Trayvon is 17 and over 6 ft. tall now.

    Trayvon’s attorney is working with a PR firm.

    Zimmerman had clearly been beaten. He was found bleeding and the back of his clothing was soaked and stained with grass.

    The screams heard on the audio tape were from Zimmerman.

    The rush to judgement is so typical of this president and his fellow travelers in the media.

    Witnesses saw Trayyon beating Zimmerman. This is mob mentality, no doubt about it. They dont care if Zimmerman acted in self-defense, they want whitey and thats the way it really is.
    Zimmerman will walk if indeed the witness swears what he saw. So instead , they will not only go after Zimmerman, regardless of the truth, but try to change the gun laws as well.

    Some say if Zimmerman’s name were Garcia, this would be a non-issue. Zimmerman is of ambiguously race and his names sounds… Jewish? Jewish enough that they can whip up the left into a frenzy. Certainly a Germanic name, so that’s close enough. The KKK was formed by the democratic party after all..What you’re seeing is the true face of their Democracy, which is “mob rule” or a “lynch mob”!

    This whole thing is being blown up for the benefit of the Pres’s re-election, just like the entire Occupy movement is a platform for allowing the dems to blame someone other than their socialist policies to pit us against each other so the pols can clamp down and rewrite laws for the travails we’re having.

    It appears the usual gang of media and race-baiting idiots is giving George Zimmerman the Richard Jewell/Stephen Hatfill/Duke lacrosse boys treatment of being found guilty in the media before the facts are known. If Mr. Zimmerman survives being lynched on the scaffold of political correctness, I think he should get a good lawyer and sue the idiots for libel and slander so as to try to retrieve a few pieces of his shredded reputation.

  41. This racisism stuff is so played out and OLD. Sorry but ALL races are EQUALLY guilty of that VERY behavior. The media just loves to take ANY story and turn it into a race issue. Sick of it.
    As far as the hoodie. I personally find the below the butt jeans sluggish looking. Hoodie never indicated one way or the other to me. And BTW all you EQUALLY racist people who want to get all dramatic and out of joint about what I just said (because you love ANY opportunity to be EQUALLY racist) just know Justin Beiber dresses in that thus jean look and he looks just as pathetic. Geraldo DOES have a point through. If you want respect – dress in non thuggish clothing. No different from someone walking around with crazy looking tattoos that have guns and violent looking images… You could be the nicest guy in the world but people WILL look at you sideways if you are dressed like that. It is common sense…

  42. Looks like George zimmerman is “guilty” off being a lol “white Hispanic”.. rolling eyes. There is tons of black on black crime.. where are the irate protesters for those kind too? I’ll bet if you look at statistics that happens ten fold as compared to “white (insert additional race) on black crimes. The media loves any story they can turn racial. Someone accidentally dents a car in a parking lot turns into “whitey” hunted down (insert race) to damage their property. And if anyone white defends their accusations they are tabled “racist” for defending themselves. It is rediculas.

  43. Walt- Do you remeber when Geraldo was Jerry Rivers? Then he decided to jump on the minority train and went back to Geraldo. I can’t belive this guy is still on the air!

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