Just as we told you, Elisabetta Canalis is THRIVING after her breakup with George Clooney. Any girl who has a relationship with Clooney leaves the romance far better off than she was when it started. George always makes sure of that. When George severs a romance, he helps his girls financially if they need it, and guides them back to better versions of their former lives. And his fame rubs off on them. Page 6 says that Elisabetta has raked in around 10 million dollars from sponsorships and TV deals in Italy since her split. George’s girls generally attract a better quality of boyfriends than they did before. That’s also why they don’t write tell-alls about George.
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George looks like a waxwork in this photo. And why is he standing on her dress?
Beards cost money. End of story.
thats because its a contract, not a relationship
I don’t believe you people. Such crap and negativity! Where do you get your inside info anyway? Are you laying beside them or him when he gets it on? Idiots!
I love her dress, but why oh why would a beautiful woman such as this put a nasty tat right out in plain sight like that? I’ll be glad when we go back to beautiful clean plain unmessed up skin. Lovely to look at and when a person dresses up they’ll look so much better without the tats!
Eli had money before she started dating George , in Italian tax law anyone can look up how much tax you paid the year before, it is in the public domain, and her tax records show she knew how to turn a pretty penny long before she met George.
Estimates were that she had between 3 and 5 million of her own money and owned two apartments in Milan, she has been in show biz there for 10years and made a major killing from her two nude calendars.
There is no doubt she already had the money making skill before George and really hit the jackpot when she became ‘the girlfriend of’, this woman will always land on her feet, as long as she looks good in a bikini and men have d*cks.
I have never commented to you Reta before, but our opinions are just as valid as yours, no need to call us idiots. This is not the George Clooney fan club page.
She is an attractive woman and that great dress looks really good on her. But that tat…. not nice at all.
Palermo, I have to agree with Reta on this.
He seems like a thoughtful guy. Therefore. He likes pussy. And he gets…pussy. LARGE!
Actually I meant to say I agreed with REta.
Sorry Palermo.
He likes PUSSY!
Oh i dunno, maybe his beard works his KinKs out once in a while.
It would of been inconceivable when he debuted on Roseanne that he would become the person he has.
The female world is his oyster.
Agree all you want with her, there is no need to call us idiots.
George and her looked more like father and daughter or granddaughter…He needs young woman to feel better about himself…It makes him look pathetic as a person.
what’s the deal?
he is just crazy obout himself.
Reta is a bossy bottom. Message board house cow aging fan gurlz like she are ridiculous.
That “nasty tatt” is there because when she was young and dumb, she tattooed Eminem’s name on her arm. I wondered the same thing, until I saw a write up about it, with pictures.