
We decided we really prefer Adam Sandler in other people’s movies. He’s very appealing in “Funny People” and you’re going to love the movie if you can get past those rampant penis jokes and crude references. Judd Apatow’s effort is really a dramatic comedy with the best elements of both. Slimmed down Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill are dependably hilarious as aspiring comics, and adorable Jason Schwartzman as an egocentric sitcom star is perfect. Surprising celebrity cameos abound. It’s a great summer movie full of characters you want to spend time with.

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  1. Sorry. Won’t go. Can’t STAND Adam Sandler. He has GOT to to be one of the all time MOST irritating people of show business. Can’t stand his voice with the babyishness, and plus, he’s just NOT funny. Don’t think I’ve EVER laughed out loud at him, even in all the time he spent on Sat Night Live, which I always watch and have since it started. He’s an ugly, fat, DUD!!!

  2. ………….YOU REALLY DON’T KNOW, folks!!

  3. sorry but I hate these douchebags, every clip I have seen has not been at all funny and these men are ugly if I am going to watch a movie where the trailer doesnt look interesting the guys may as well be hot and these guys are down right nasty. yuck.

  4. yeah and not to offend the retarded community but adam sandler seems sloooooooooow if you know what I mean. sorry retarded community I didnt mean to put this nasty looking dude in your group.

  5. Punch Drunk Love was the only movie he was good in, and the only one tolerable enough to watch, d/t the phenonominal supporting actors.

  6. The stars may have been aligned right when he was born. He is not a great actor, but he found a wife, has 2 (?) kids, turns out grade B and C movies, and is laughing all the way to the bank. Who says life is fair.?

  7. Janet leave the movie reviews to the pros and stick to bringing us gossip? Any news on Loni Anderson?

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