#lancearmstrong #janetcharlton

We hope the arrogant Lance Armstrong doesn’t think he’s doing some wonderful thing by finally confessing to Oprah that he doped when he won those seven Tour de France titles, that have since been taken away. Years of outright lying and belittling and threatening people around him – and maybe even blackmailing- are not easily erased. The only reason he’s talking now is because he MIGHT lift his lifetime ban from sports. In order to do that, he’ll have to reveal HOW he got around the tests and WHO helped him. That means he’ll probably lose the few friends he has left. We look forward to seeing him squirm.

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  1. What a massive fraud Armstrong is. Instead of talking to Oprah for the money he should have told the truth in the Grand jury investigation under oath. Psychopathic Criminals like Lance should be sent to prison for fraud.

  2. This guy is just slime personified. If he had just admitted from the start that yes he used PEDs, people would have been pissed at him and disappointed, but for him to go to the lengths he has and do the things he’s done to cover his tracks, he has to look up to see bottom. I feel sorry for his children, having such a liar and a cheat for a father. What a charming example he’s set for them to follow.

  3. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    hahahahahahaha, if he used doping and most of the other racers too. Was his stuff of much better quality than the others because they still couldn’t catch up?

  4. I totally agree with you Janet.

    Surprised that Oprah allowed him to rub some of her respected status on himself.

    I think she only did it to help save OWN.

  5. Sheryl should be thanking God everyday that she didn’t hook up permenatly with this idiot. Loser.

  6. Oprah is trying to get back her audience, and Lance is trying to get back into racing. One hand washes the other. He needs to go away.

  7. Natalie…..ditto

    I am so sick of turning on the TV and he is on there. Just give him a $1 or $2 million fine and make him do 1000 hours of community service, such as going to schools and sports events and speaking about the hazards of doping. He is a total jerk.

  8. If Orcah is on such high moral ground and wants people to know the truth.
    Perhaps she should come out as the racist, lesbian that she really is.
    Just sayin…

  9. Oprah wants the world to know the truth? She’s on the moral high ground? The template for all that is truthful and the shining light for housewives to follow? PA-UKE!
    How about coming for the racist, man hating, lesbian double life that she really lives?!

  10. Their are still a bunch of dumb fuckers out there that are now saying ‘look at everything he did for cancer awareness’. Thanks Lance. Until you came along I was not aware of that cancer thing. I hope you choke to death on those tens of millions of dollars that you lined your pockets with while making us aware. BLOW ME LANCE..

  11. I don’t feel any compassion for him.He made his choices now he must live with them.

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