Even Elle Macpherson cannot escape the Snooki influence! Certainly the Jersey Shore star must be flattered that a supermodel is stealing her poof look. Can the fake tan be far behind? Coincidentally or not, the show’s third season premier was the highest rated telecast in MTV history – 8.5 million viewers.
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imho, I think Amy Winehouse resurrecting the beehive provided inspiration for Snooki’s poof, just to give credit where it’s really due. Coupled with the orange tan, she makes a great Jersey Shore cartoon character for sure.
If she really wanted to look like Snooki, she’d be carrying a red beer cup around and stumbling.
8.5 million viewers?!
People love a good train wreck.
Palin should put that show in her crosshai…..no, that’s not funny.
Patty, I see you are still trying to get Janet to spank you. What a glutton for punishment you are. I bet that Snookie-poof Looks pretty appealing to you from where you’re sitting, wadded up ball of hair that it is, coated in hardened sticky matter.
Rick, you’re correct that Winehouse was the true resurector of the nightmare cusionhead of the Pop-art generation. However none of these females (?) to date have lived up to its former glory and construction. As in most cases, a true original is next to impossible to copy (and pull off well).
(Altho in “Snooki’s case I have a feeling it is less a matter of style than a way to gain some much needed height)….FAIL…!
No Reta, she is too young and “disgusting”. Couldn’t get that wasted.
But you my little monkey. I have a bent for slightly greying, juicy ex hippy types. ESpecially the snobby, catty ones. You’d be so easy.
Patty, again you have me wrong..not remotely grey, in fact auborn with a few silver, not in the least snobby, but not at all easy…as I said previously, I have a fantastic sex life, so I’ll turn down your generous offer, you flatter yourself beyond all expectancies.
Boys or girls?
Or machine?
Reta, I get you although no one is trying to live up to the former glory or construction of previous looks because no one is into rigid conformity anymore. Back when hairstyles like the beehive were popular, people copied each other and they all looked the same. The emphasis is on individual expression now – giving a look your own edgy interpretation (or reinterpretation). Looking trendy in the 21st century depends on your own creative taste or lack thereof, and is readily apparent. Dr. Rey is a stark example of someone who clearly isn’t hip trying to convince you he is, lol.
The real credit goes to Brigitte Bardot.
Rick, I agree completely. I think people who have to “try” to be themselves just aren’t. Those “styles” were hideous enough in their first incarnations, so amazes me to think anybody would dredge them up for another go-round.
Erma: B.B. was exquisite in all respects. Nobody equal to her today.
Patrick: Pay attention: MAN, one, very talented, altho I am no slouch in that department. One should always be expert at loving themselves, eh, old fellow? After all you can hardly expect others to please you if you are a dunce at it yourself. But I’m sure you know that, right? I won’t even ASK your preference because Janet has you all tied up at the moment and backed up to her spanking machine.
I would not want to be Snooki no matter how much $$$ she’s making. She is a fat short unattractive little toad, she should be dissected in middle school biology class.
Elle: I’ve heard she is very much AC/DC. Just heard it, don’t know if it’s gossip or what.