We ALMOST didn’t recognize Englebert Humperdinck in this photo taken as he was leaving Boa this week. Englebert is 74 now, but he’s still performing, and just finished doing a series of concerts in Sydney.

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  1. Wow, Janet!!! And I just read that Steven Tyler, new judge on AI is 62!!! What the hell! I feel like the whole world around me is aging at warp speed and I’m still 35 (yeah, riiiight!)

    What’s he smuggling in those cheekies is what I want to know? He kinda resembles Octomom in this picture, anybody???

  2. Boy he doesn’t look so good. About 35 years ago I thought he was cute. I saw him from the third row at McCormick Place in Chicago.

  3. For his age he doesn’t look bad. He just hasn’t had a facelift so all the Hollyweird people. His body is still trim looking too.

  4. Scary — sort of looks like an older version of the lead actor in “Mask.” I hope this is a terrible photo and not what he really looks like. Yikes.

  5. Engelbert:

    In 1976,you introduced one of the most romantic songs ever. 35 years later,”After the Loving” remains one of my favorite ballads. Thank you for that” one way trip to the sun!!”

  6. I wouldn’t have recognized him either. My mother used to swoon when she heard his voice.

  7. Like Tom Jones…he had many daliances in his day and has gone quietly into his gray years….so should many others.

  8. News flash: 74 looks a lot different now than it once did. He looks great. Healthy. I hope he’s happy.

  9. I know people in their late 50’s early 60’s that don’t look half as good as him. For 74, the man looks pretty good. He still has a mass of hair (I’d be happy with half that much!)

    Thank you so much for posting this photo. You always have such cool photos especially of those that were very popular back in the day.

  10. To Seriously: Come to think of it, he does look like Garry Shandling, who it seems has been out of the spotlight for many moons. Engle does have a good voice and has had so many women by now that he probably just yawns at the thought of another one coming on to him.

  11. I met him once in Vegas at his hotel (which was the Elvis suite) with one of his ‘daliances’ (wow, agreeing with Strom)and he was super friendly and kind.

  12. Engelbert’s music:
    2 of his songs that warms my heart!!
    “I love making love to you, seeing your face as you open your eyes.” The lyrics to a romantic song that only a true crooner could sing. Time only makes the songs sound better than yesterday.
    And I know that my song isn’t saying anything new, oh but
    “After the Loving” I’m still in love with you!!

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