Is anyone else out there overdosing on “Charlie’s Angels?” Drew Barrymore has produced two movies based on the 1970’s TV series, and now she’s filming the pilot for another series. The original show had an absurdly lame and naive plot and the pretty women – Farrah Fawcett, Jaclyn Smith, and Kate Jackson, wearing California sportswear were the real attraction. Drew has cast Rachel Taylor, Minka Kelly, and Annie IIonzeh as the new Angels, and they must have a big fashion budget because they’re all wearing Louboutin shoes. But still, haven’t we had ENOUGH ALREADY of Charlie’s Angels?
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Good Luck. I love Drew Barrymore but this idea stinks!!
Minka Kelly can’t act worth a shit. Maybe Derek Jeter is funding the project? Lord knows he has pretty deep pockets and could afford to bankroll this disaster.
White, tight, dresses (a-la Marilyn Monroe) and rediculously too high and too high priced high heels will NOT a stinker save. That that sorry excuse for a show EVER made it past the second show in the beginning shocked me. That they later made (how many?) stupid movies on that premise shocked me beyond belief. It doesn’t MATTER how many lucious females jiggle down beaches or pour in slow motion out of the ocean in barely there bikinis, the PREMISE is beyond STUPID and time to put away in mothballs with Farrah’s red bathing suit and flippy hairdo.
drew is seen as the big laugh of the decade in hollywood……….
so this was my mission.
Drew’s done very well for herself. She might surprise the skeptics… again.
Yes! please no more of this crap ..the movies were bad enough
Charlie’s Angels ( a franchise) what an original idea!!
Seriously,too much of 1 thing can end up being a complete turnoff. With the voice of John Forsyth no longer a possibility, the end of the last CA should have intended to be The End of this shake and jiggle show!!
Truly, it’s a MUCH dopier concept than Sex in The City, which gets TONS of HATE (even though the series was great). I liked Whip It, and think Drew Barrymore should STOP the Charlie’s Angels madness. It’s so OVAH.
It amazed me beyond belief how rich Aaron Spelling got off the crap he put out for “entertainmet” but maybe I should consider the times he put it out in as well. Drew should realize this isn’t the 70’s anymore and beating a dead horse in the form of shapely women in form fitting dresses and bikinis doing silly lines in even sillier plots should have been buried back with orange, and avacado green shag rugs.
Ooooooh, those high high platform heels, they must be killing their feet. Their tootsies will pay the price later……bunions, twisted toes, etc.
Over kill and…I am not going to watch the show…I wish she would make more about about Ever After?
I Love her Romantic movies she takes everything to another level…The Poor Charlies Angles and to tell you the truth breaks should had happen for years to come?
Put the breaks on making more and hang it up for know!