Miley Cyrus performed with no holds barred for an enthusiastic audience in Australia – wearing a sequin leotard. She continues to post nudish photos of herself online. Is it a coincidence that Miley suddenly started flashing body parts, including her tongue, and her dancing became raunchy along with her comments, about the same time she started doing drugs with great fanfare? Would the former Disney star be as lewd as she is if she wasn’t high? Just wondering…
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Very rarely does anyone act like that unless on drugs.
She’s been at it since age 12..
she’s just a natural born skank
If there ever was a great candidate to get ebola, her or Justin Bieber would be it. Both are also a plague on our society
no, just a well known shrink who can cure her uncertaïnty.
OMG JC have you officially gone insane!? When was the last time you actually reported anything? All you do is comment snobbishly on old news off websites. Are you holed up in the basement just googling your life away? Get out in the sunshine and DO SOMETHING!!!!
As in the wise old saying, Miley protests too much. Desperation for attention = diminishing talent.
Drugs affected her brain. Her parents must be so proud.
Miley needs a good exorcism – period.
If she had any real musical/singing talent, she wouldn’t have to stoop to such lowlife antics. I can’t stand to hear her songs, horrible voice.
Which came first, self medicating to obscure the molestation and sexualization of a child or a young adult experimenting with marijuana?