Debbie Reynolds’ Hollywood costume auction this weekend was a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs. It was nice to see Debbie solving her financial problems after being robbed blind by not one, but two good-for-nothing husbands. But it was undeniably sad to see her dream of opening a Hollywood museum go up in smoke. She acquired most of her massive collection at the big MGM sale around 40 years ago and has been storing and caring for them ever since. Sadder still is the fact that most of the collectibles were purchased by foreigners and will be taken out of the country. A Saudi Arabian voice on the phone paid 4.6 million for Marilyn Monroe’s white “Seven Year Itch” subway dress. A man from a Japanese museum quietly purchased Judy Garland’s “Wizard of Oz” dress and ruby sequin slippers for $910,000 and $510,000. One of our personal favorites- Joan Crawford’s waitress uniform from “Mildred Pierce” only pulled in $22,500- maybe THAT will stay in the US.

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  1. Hey Janet, didn’t Debbie have costume of Elizabeth Taylor’s? How much did it go for, and did Debbie get the last laugh?

  2. 4.6 million for Marilyn Monroe’s dress! I’m at a loss for words why someone could or would pay that kind of money for a dress, regardless of how iconic it is. And a Saudi Arabian? Oh sure, a Saudi woman wearing such a dress would be killed where she stood nevermind be permitted to stand over a subway grate in it.

    On the other hand, good for Debbie Reynolds, but I thought those ruby slippers were sold some time ago.

  3. If you are a fan and have the money, you will pay. I am a HUGE Marilyn fan and would have gladly paid that money (if I had it) to have her dress. To hear it will leave the country is heartbreaking.

  4. Hey Denise, I saw Debbie on Joy Behar the other day and she said that the Wizard of Oz started shooting with the shoes Debbie had, but the final cut featured the more famous style of ruby shoes. There were several directors and the first one had a very different vision than we saw in the final movie. Originally Judy Garland was going to be blonde, for example.

  5. @Denise:
    Hello Pen Pal,

    No doubt about it, there is something New to be learned everyday. I did Not think too long and hard about it, but I was under the impression that those ruby slippers were resting in their own room at The Smithsonian.
    I will give respect where it is due,for that “comfortable” dress from TWOO to be sold for so much is a credit to Debbie for selling it at just the right time!!

  6. Heck there are at least 4 pairs of Ruby Slippers out in the world. One pair was stolen from the Judy Garland museum in Grand Rapids, Minn on loan from an LA collector. Another pair is owned by a different LA collector. Debbie’s pair which was just sold…and the Smithsonian pair which was sold at the original MGM auction in 1970. It is possible that there is another pair but the owner is unknown.

  7. LOL Strom, just remember to click the heels 3 times, “There’s no place like home…”

  8. @Denise, “Oh sure, a Saudi woman wearing such a dress would be killed where she stood nevermind be permitted to stand over a subway grate in it.”

    Perhaps, they are for a Saudi man!!! LOL 🙂

  9. @ strom:

    Please do Not tell us that you ended up with that pair of ruby slippers that was stolen from The Judy Garland Museum in Grand Rapids.
    @Holly Wood:
    I think the mystery has been solved about that missing pair of ruby slippers that you mentioned in your comment on yesterday.
    I will Not mention any Names but look No further for that missing pair of ruby slippers than someone with the initials strom!!
    Hope all is forgiven!!

  10. @Leo and all. Thanks for the info re: the ruby slippers. I had no idea there were so many pairs. Hopefully when Strom taps his heels together 3 times he doesn’t end up on that “Gay Island” he’s always talking about.

    @Walt, now wouldn’t that be a sight!

  11. she is trying for all her life now but she CAN NOT live foever.

  12. Well it is good to move on and Dump some Dead weight and just live life easyer and just take it easy and not have to work harder down the lane in life and what was free to her or given to her has meaning but it is something that she is ready to part with and is willing to say goodbye to and she is doing what is good for her and she is giving some one else a chance to gather joy of something she has had for years to herself and I am pretty sure she has massive pictures and she has looked at each items over 1000s of times and she has it all in her mind and she has gone throw every thought and feeling and emotion that has History attached to that as well but I have always liked her but My mother BEATRICE EUGENA SMITH/KELLY Really loved her in every single movie that she has ever made and of course she is always singing and she is one Hell of a Singer but she is more for my mother who was a big time fan and I like her but I have had enough of her and Gene Kelly was the star I Liked and Dancing and watching people do that was okay as a child but as time moves on style and taste chance and movies Become more real.. Is time changing and yes here we go and There Goodbye to a life time collection and she will be yelling Cash, Money and know it is time to kick back and enjoy your life!

  13. @Denise:

    Rainy Days and Mondays!!

    I would like to believe that we all are in agreement that:
    strom’s “secret” of owning a pair of ruby slippers is “safe” with all of us!!

  14. @Leo

    I wouldn’t think of telling another living soul. LOL 🙂

  15. Once again Janet doesn’t tell the whole story…the sale was forced due to bankruptcy of a failed hotel/museum in Pidgeon Forge, TN. Debbie has to pay creditors first before she makes any $$$.

  16. ^^^ I am hopeful that she’ll take home at least 2 million in cash and live a thrifty lifestyle until her death.

  17. I think it is great to share History with the world and let some one else enjoy the fruits of her labors….Plus it is good to kick back and allow the I.R.S. To get there cut and be able to take it easy and have a good non-stressful life with the worry factor good…..You go Debbie! Your taking care of yourself and setting yourself up for life.

  18. 114209 632357Satisfying posting. It would appear that lots of the stages are depending upon the originality aspect.

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