Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

We love Mad Man’s Christina Hendricks, but she looks a thousand times better in her classic vintage fashions than in this modern sportswear. She’s dressed for her currently filming movie “Drive” in skinny jeans, a hoody, and flip flops. We like to see her in cocktail dresses.

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  1. Lindsay Lohan’s sportswear designs folks! And she paid big money for this junk.

  2. Hoodie too small and tight: low-rent stylist: low budget movie: flop at box office.

  3. Seeing that photo I realize why Lindsay Lohan dyed her hair. Red-heads are beautiful, but only look good glammed up. When they are really dressed down, like Hendricks in that photo, they look like five-dollar whores.

  4. Those bunions prove that Fred Flinstone Feet and 6-inch heels are not a good combo.

  5. It’s for a role, unlike Dita the Stripper, this woman has other things going for her than dressing up like it was decades ago

  6. The way she’s dressed here may be related to her character, so I’ll reserve judgment. I must say though that she always looks fabulous on Mad Men.

  7. Nonsense. She looks great for a curvy woman. Has a fantastic skin and beautiful face. Hoodie is def too small for her titties…

  8. Extra large and extra saggy boobs in a much too small hoodie is NOT attractive. She should sue whoever put her in that thing. And her hips are much too wide for those pants or whatever they are. She needs a complete makeover and pronto!

  9. Sebastian, make that a two dollar hooker. I love red head and they are smoking when they are dressed nice. By the way, that caboose looks a little big for the tracks.

  10. Reta, calm down. Those are stills from a MOVIE she is in. This is not how she dresses herself. You guys are silly beyond belief… what’s next? Criticizing RDJ for wearing old Anglo clothes on the set of Sherlock Holmes II?

  11. I don’t get the criticism, she looks perfectly normal to me. No one dresses up 100% of the time. She has a great figure and perfect skin, what more do you want? Honestly, I think Reta just hates attractive females and looks for any excuse to put them down.

  12. Not at all. I just think her boobs are way too big to be (obviously) unsupported and hanging down to her waist like that. She’s a young woman and with big breast she should support them or she’ll find them around her knees when she’s not too much older. Also, the pants or whatever they are are way too revealing, movie stills or not, she has large/wide hips, not saying that is BAD, just stating a fact, and in THOSE black tight things it makes her look all hips and saggy boobs. Not attractive for a young, pretty woman. She has small shoulders as well, which makes her hips look even wider. From the look on her face, she doesn’t look too happy about it either. Even IF this is clothing for a movie, I think the powers that be are screwing up on this one and could do a lot better with a casual outfit for her than this.

  13. I know she is dressed as a character, but want to take the opportunity to say that flip-flops should be illegal, particularly if worn away from a private swimming pool.

    The absurdity/disgrace/joke of ancient Rome was the vomitoriam. The American empires will be the flip-flop.

  14. Whether these are movie stills or not, it’s a shame. She looks a tragic mess from the neck down. No starlet wants pictures like that in circulation.

  15. Kait,

    That’s beside the point! Can’t you get is she is in character on a movie set??? She plays a robber she must look like a trash. MUST is the key word.

  16. People criticizing an actress for a characters fashion sense is the very reason actresses are reluctant to take on certain roles. They know if they look fat or dowdy or trashy, it will be a mark against them.

    I cannot tell you the number of times I have seen a picture of an actress, with a caption about how fat she was, or that she was obviously pregnant, etc., and then later found out the picture was a still from a film. WTF?

  17. Movie still, or not, this actress/woman has an odd shaped body. Seen in this tight attire it shows her figure none too flatteringly, movie role or not. That’s NOT the point! She has very long legs and a short torso with small shoulders and very large and obviously heavy breasts which seem to be unsupported and drooping. Not good for such a young woman. She has what used to be call “birthing hips”…that’s not a negative remark, just factual. Some women have narrow hips like men too. No one chooses their shape and she’s obviously not fat or anything, still young and pretty and love the red hair. That hoodie thing looks way too small, the sleeves are too short and the waist is too high. It looks like a childs, or teens size. Maybe that too is part of the movie, but if the wardrobe stylist is smart they’ll read these comments and make some changes. No one wants to see this pretty girl dressed like this, even for a movie. Do the girl some justice and at least fit her properly!

  18. Janet, you sound like a fattist. There’s nothing wrong with her figure at all, and her clothing is just casual.

  19. She also have hammer toes on her left foot and down the road that not going to be good. Wearing high heels for long periods of time will do that.

  20. Some of you people seriously need a full length mirrors installed in your rented basements. This woman works, has a body that has been shunned by Hollywood for years and she is successful. She is the face and body of changing trends. And good for her! How many kids died and still will die because of anorexia? Because of people like you, who always criticize, Hollywood actresses go under the knife and look like freaks. They are never good for you. One day they are too skinny, another day their tits are too big. Will you all just let people be? Judge her acting not her looks. Acting is supposed to represent life, and life happens to have many shapes, not just stick bugs.

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