Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
In spite of his questionable taste in clothing, Chris Brown continues to go through the motions of being a ladies man. After a night of partying, he showed up at Kitchen 24 in Hollywood one night last week at 3:30 AM. According to a witness, the group consisted of Chris and six buddies, a bodyguard, and – no kidding- “fifteen or sixteen girls.” Chris and friends were given a whole section of the restaurant. Chris noisily held court and chatted up all the girls – they willingly laughed at all his jokes. When he paid the tab and left, our witness couldn’t tell which, if any of the girls, went home with Chris.
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That’s GOT to be the most hideous outfit I have EVER seen, and why’s he wearing GIRL tennis shoes? Glad he isn’t turned the other way around, I don’t want to see his ugly flat ass.
The guy looks like a dweeb.
Just cause he dresses like Steve Urkel now, we still know he’s a violent woman beater!
The key words here are “he paid”.
I agree the outfit wasn’t the best but I’m glad both of them are moving on with their lives and Nursie you are right he is paid…
It is no big surprise that this idiot bad-tempered simpleton would be besieged by multitudes of sluts, whores, and wannabes. Some of them no doubt would love to be slapped around by him just to get their name in print. Sadly, this is now the way of the world – l.o.s.t.
Totally agree with Mamasan
Ugh, can’t stand the Pee Wee Hermanish look. He looks so idiotic in that “outfit”!
Bill Cosby called, he wants his sweater back.