We’re hearing that music producer Scott Storch is the real brains behind getting Lindsay Lohan into rehab- certainly not Brandon Davis, who seems to be taking credit for it. According to an insider, here’s what went down: Lindsay and Scott and Paris Hilton were partying like crazy Saturday night at Xenii. Brandon who is Paris’s roomate was by their side. They were boozing it up, making out with each other and there just MIGHT have been some white powder flying around. “Paris is a big instigator when it comes to overdoing anything.” It got to be such an orgy of indulgence that Scott became the voice of reason – he said “Enough is enough!” (He wants Lindsay as a recording artist.) He saw that Lindsay was WAY too messed up . A few days later he suggested that Lindsay and Brandon both go to rehab and volunteered to take them. They agreed, but Brandon backed out at the last minute leaving Lindsay on her own.