Mile High Club


fiennescut.jpegNo WONDER that Australian flight attendant who had a fling with Ralph Fiennes blabbed about it to the newspapers. Qantas stewardess Lisa Robinson made headlines when she admitted she joined the mile-high club with the actor during a flight from Australia to India. And she went on to describe their wild night in his hotel room after they landed. Qantas fired her, of course, and we’re pretty sure she’ll never see Ralph again. Why did she do it? Besides selling her story, now Lisa has admitted she worked as a prostitute in an Australian brothel “to pay the rent” before she got her airline gig. We figure she got tired of waiting on grouchy travelers and decided to go back to her old job – now her price goes up because she’s notorious and has credentials. Ironically, Fiennes flew to India to lecture certain villages about the perils of unsafe sex.