We can hardly WAIT to see if Charlie Sheen tells the truth about his HIV status. Will he use the tired excuse that manly men prefer – claiming that he caught it from “a prostitute”? Of course that is absolutely not true (no matter what the AIDS charities claim – it’s nearly impossible to catch HIV from a woman.) So that leaves either a homosexual tryst (not impossible considering how high Charlie gets and how oversexed he is) or dirty needles. We’re betting on the needles because he has admitted to injecting cocaine. At this point he’s believed to have been HIV positive for at least ten years. Denise Richards, who divorced him in 2006, says she knew he was infected and she and her daughters are negative. That leaves Brooke Mueller, his drug-crazed wife from 2008 to 2011 and the mother of his twin sons. She and Sheen did plenty of drugs together and she could be infected. She’s most likely the one suing him now. It’s been awhile since we heard from her.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI